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Folding his hands on the table, Misha stared at the old man across from him for a moment. The silence ticked on until he spoke at last. “Sergei missed you at the meeting last night.”

Viktor stiffened. “On such short notice, it is hard to get away from prior commitments.”

“When Sergei calls, you answer. If you cannot do that, then what good are you as a captain?”

“I am a faithfu—”

Misha raised his hand, cutting him off. “We have been betrayed, Viktor. Someone took something from Sergei, something very important. I have been tasked with getting it back.”

I pictured the flash drive, tucked away in a place only I knew. Sergei’s men had been close to finding it once before, which led me to believe Roan was right. It was only traceable when it was plugged in, otherwise they would have hunted it down by now.

“Who?” Viktor asked, surprisingly convincing in his disbelief. “Who would dare do such a thing?”

“That is what I will find out. And when I do, it will not be very pleasant for him. I promise you that.” Misha turned to me, a blond brow arched. “You haven’t heard anything, have you, Wolf?”

I shook my head slowly, keeping my teeth clenched.

“Be sure to let me know if you do.“ Misha stood abruptly and buttoned his jacket again. “Walk me out.”

Viktor was on his feet in a flash. “That’s it?”

Misha ignored him and kept walking.

I glanced at my watch. The twenty minutes was up. I didn’t want to be “predictable” like Yuri said and walk out the front door into an ambush. But then again, I hardly ever used the same door twice, which meant he was probably set up in the back, waiting for me in the alley. Besides, walking out with Misha gave me a very powerful human shield.

Glancing up and down the street, I pushed the door open for Misha.

He stepped through and paused on the sidewalk while his driver walked around the back of the SUV to open the rear passenger door.

“You know Viktor will have more questions now,” I said.

Misha smiled, a bright, boyish smile complete with a dimple. “Where’s the flash drive, Sasha?”

I blinked, feigning surprise. “What?”

“Sergei’s flash drive. Where is it?” The smile never left his face.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Making sure my expression was as severe as ever, I refused to look away first. I didn’t even blink.

“Sergei doesn’t know. Sergei doesn’thaveto know. Just give it to me and then it is done.” Misha brushed his hands together, like he was dusting them off. “No one has to get hurt.”

“You can’t hurt me any more than the others who have tried, but do what you must,” I replied blithely, hoping to call his bluff.

Misha inched closer, his eyes narrowed at my shoulder before he picked something off. One of Roan’s blond strands came away, pinched between his fingers. I could have tried to pass it off as one of Misha’s, except his hair was stick-straight and perfectly gelled; Roan’s was an adorable, wavy mess. “I wasn’t talking aboutyou.”

The blood drained from my face.

I didn’t bother saying goodbye. I turned on my heel and sprinted down the block for my car. Fuck Yuri and whatever he was doing. I had to get to Roan before Misha’s men did.



“Oh my God. Are you peeing?”Frankie huffed into the phone.

“No, I amnotpeeing. It’s a long story,” I replied, shifting my weight on the edge of the tub. I might have thought Sasha was going a bit overboard with the security measures, and yet I was hiding in the bathroom with the sink running just to make a phone call.

“Where are you, anyway? The police were at your house for hours yesterday. Your mom isfreaking.”

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