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Because I wish someone would have shot me.

Sasha exhaled softly and leaned back in his seat, switching which hand he had on the wheel.

I slid a glance at him out of the corner of my eye. His face, as usual, gave no indication as to what he was thinking. My gaze dropped to his arm, the one he’d shown Eduard — at least, I think that was Adidas’ real name — right before he made his so-called friend put a goddamn gun to his forehead.

There were several blistered circles on the inside of his forearm, scattered amongst the various tattoos. They looked like they were healing, but there were plenty of pink, circular scars to indicate he’d been at it a while.

“What are those?” The question came out bluntly, but I really didn’t give a shit about being tactful at the moment. I wanted answers.

Sasha’s brows lifted when he glanced at me. “What is what?”

“Those blisters on your arm.”

“None of your business.” He dropped the arm in question into his lap, taking the wheel again with his right.

“So Eduard gets to know, but not me. Got it. Maybe you should fuck him from now on.” I shook my head and turned my glare out the passenger window, not caring that I sounded petulant. Given what I just learned, he was lucky I was talking to him at all. I should have told him to get bent and found my own way home. I should have stayed away in the first place, instead of drifting back to him time and again. I should have done a lot of things differently. Hindsight was a bitch.

The leather steering wheel creaked a second before it jerked to the right. The Mercedes screeched to a halt on the side of the road.

“You want to know?” Sasha snapped, throwing the car into park. “I have them because I couldn’t stop thinking aboutyou. From the moment I saw you. Every impure thought I had, I tried to burn out. At first I told myself it was part of the research, all the thoughts. But then I had you and Istillcouldn’t stop.”

Well, nowIfelt like the asshole.

“I’m sorry,” I said quietly. “I didn’t mean—”

“Save your pity. You wanted the truth — now you have it.” With that, he shifted the car into gear and pulled out onto the road again. So much for a heart-to-heart.

“You know, it’s ok to have an actual conversation sometimes. I won’t think less of you if you express an emotion other than anger every once in a while.”

“If there’s another emotion to express, I’ll be sure to let you know,” he shot back, adding an icy glare to his barbed words.

“Ooo, sarcasm. That’s a new one for you. Already making progress I see.” I rolled my eyes and looked out the window again.

“You’re a pain in my ass,” he muttered, turning onto my street.

“We all have our talents. Mine is annoying you.” He snorted, prompting me to turn and look at him. “What?”

“It’s true, but it’s not your only talent.”

“If you’re about to make a dick joke, I’m not in the mood.”

It was his turn to roll his eyes. “Your music, idiot.”

“What doyouknow about my music?”

He shrugged one shoulder, keeping his eyes on the road. “I heard you.”

“When? Where?”

“Everywhere.” He threw a glance my way before pulling into the driveway. “Your house, mostly, but that big performance before graduation. The coffee shop. Ugh, and with those children.”

“You were at the showcase?” I mean, I knew they had footage from that night, but I still couldn’t believe Sasha was there. That seemed like the sort of thing he’d pawn off on some other poor bastard.

He nodded, shifting the car into park. “You’re very good. You will go places.”

Scoffing, I looked away. “Yeah. We’ll see.” Straight to Georgetown, more likely.

“I know—” He cut himself off and in the next instant he was unholstering the gun from the small of his back. “Stay here. Imeanit this time.”

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