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Unequivocally, without a shadow of a fucking doubt, heknew.

My fatherknewand he didn’t do anything! He just let them keep me. For a week! Doing God knew what. But did he care? Fuck no. He stood outside that police department andliedto me!

The world spun suddenly. I pushed away from the desk and put my head between my knees, trying to breathe.

A hand on my back made me jump.

Frankie jumped as well with a squeak. “I’m sorry! Are you ok? I woke up and you were gone. I got scared. What are you doing?”

I shook my head. Words wouldn’t leave my throat no matter how hard I tried, so I pointed at the screen instead.

She moved closer to the computer, gasping about every other word, ending with a “Cocksucker!” Whirling to face me, she pulled me into a fierce hug. “I’m so sorry! Oh my God. I don’t even know what to say!”

We sat like that for I don’t know how long, me hugging her waist from the chair and her holding me while perched on the desk. Technically, I knew Frankie was warm and soft, and I should befeelingwarm and soft, but I didn’t. The numbness I experienced before returned in force. I felt nothing except a strange hollowness.

“What are you going to do?” she asked after a bit, pulling back to look at me.

“I don’t know… I mean, whatcanI do? I can’t confront him. He’ll keep lying. I suppose I could give this to the police, but I’m sure those guys are long gone by now. Besides, it’s not them I’m mad at anymore.”

She frowned at me. “You should still be mad at the people who kidnapped you. You should be fucking furious.”

“It’s just business,” I said, echoing Ivan’s view on the matter. “Which is what I’m sure my asshole sperm donor would say, too. His ROI on the bank is worth a hell of a lot more than me.”

“So hit him where it hurts.” Frankie beamed, entirely too angelic considering she was advocating something destructive and/or illegal. “You could crash his Porsche. Oo, empty his bank account into one of your own and go travel the world on his dime. Fuck him and fuck Georgetown.”

I looked up sharply, an idea sparking in the back of my brain. “Oh my God. That’s it.”

“What’s it? What are you doing?” she asked as I scooted her out of the way, digging around in the center desk drawer like a deranged person. I popped the tiny button for the hidden compartment under the desk and crawled under there to get my treasure. As soon as I had it, I sprang to my feet and charged upstairs, Frankie on my heels. “Um, Earth to Roan! What are you doing?”

“I have to go,” I said, ripping my tank top off and grabbing a fresh shirt out of the dresser.

“Go where?”

I ducked into my closet and yanked on a pair of jeans quickly before she barged in on me there, too. “I know how I’m going to get that piece of shit back.”

“You are not even making sense right now.” She was rubbing circles on her temples when I rushed past her. “What piece of shit? The kidnapper? Or your dad?”

I hurried out of my room and down the stairs again. “Don’t worry about me. I have a plan. I think.”

It was another stupid, crazy, suicide-mission plan, but a plan nonetheless. And for some reason, those seemed to be turning out ok for me lately.



I wasin the middle of downing my third cup of tea and going over Roan’s dossier for the hundredth time when my phone rang. Swiping it off the table, I answered without even bothering to look at the caller ID.

“Aleksandr Vassiliev?” a male asked, clearly Russian based on the accent alone.


“My name is Misha Chernyshevsky.”

I sat up straighter, paying much closer attention to what he had to say. “I’ve heard of you.”

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