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The minuteI pulled into the driveway, I knew something was wrong. The side door was open, for starters, and all of the lights on the first floor were on.

Shifting the car into park but keeping it running, I eased out of the driver’s seat and crept toward the house. The unsettling feeling deepened the closer I got. Not only was the side door open, the basement door was open too.

I didn’t worry about stealth anymore, hurrying down the stairs as fast as I could, praying the entire way.

As soon as I rounded the corner and saw the empty chain, I swore.

He was gone.

Roan was fucking gone!

I took one look at the bolt cutters and saw red.

Flying back up the stairs, I slammed through the kitchen door. “Ivan! Where the fuck are you?!”

He didn’t answer.

Storming through the kitchen and into the living room, I found him sprawled out in the hallway to the bathroom, facedown. Blood seeped out of the back of his head. From where I stood, I could see the front door, which showed zero signs of damage.

I planted my boot against his hip and pushed him over. He didn’t flop like a dead man, so I kicked him in the stomach. Hard.

Jerking awake with an agonized gasp, Ivan clutched his stomach with both hands, staring up at me with bug eyes.

“What the fuck happened?” I snarled.

“I don’t know!” he groaned, rolling onto his side again.

“Where’s Roan?”


“Roan! He’s gone! What the fuck happened?!”

Instead of answering, Ivan covered his head with his arms and brought his knees up to his chest, probably so I couldn’t kick him again.

“You’re fucking worthless!” I resisted the urge to kick him anyway and stormed back outside.

As soon as I got behind the wheel, I headed down the quiet street at a nice, normal pace even though it fucking killed me. I didn’t need to draw suspicion to myself or the house. Rolling all of the windows down, I scanned the yards as I went and listened for anything that might indicate the location of my escapee.

Alright, Sasha, think. He couldn’t have gotten far. I’d only been gone… I glanced at the clock and swore, slamming my fist against the steering wheel.

Thirty minutes meant the average person could make it three to five kilometers. Except, Roan wasn’t average. He was a goddamn gazelle, which meant he could easily be eight to nine kilometers away. I had two things working in my favor: Roan didn’t have shoes and he hadn’t been eating. Hopefully that meant he wouldn’t be able to max out the distance. But when you factored in adrenaline...


The fact it was already dark would be both a benefit and a hinderance to him. No, he couldn’t run as fast, but it also meant I couldn’t fucking see him. He could be hiding right next to me and I’d never know it.

As I circled the block for the fourth time, I called Eduard. It was bad enough Ivan knew Roan escaped somehow, but there was no way I could manage this one solo. Eduard was the only person I trusted not to fuck me over.

“We have a big fucking problem,” I said when Eduard answered.

“What’s wrong?”

“Roan is gone.” Nausea slithered through my insides, twisting everything until I didn’t know if I wanted to throw up or break something. I’d never failed.Ever.

“The kid?! What? How?”

“I don’t know. I came back to the house and he was gone. Ivan says he doesn’t know what happened.”

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