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The man’s attention whipped to me, along with the gun. “The fuck you say to me?”

“It’s not here,” I ground out, trying not to have my own heart attack with the barrel of a gun a millimeter away from my nose. “The master key for the vault? It’s not here. And if you don’t leave now, the cops are going to get here and we all know how that’ll end.” Forcing my gaze away from the gun and up into the man’s black eyes, I held his hard stare.

The guy standing guard whistled sharply. The other two went to his side, no questions asked.

The one in front of me squinted, right before he grabbed the front of my henley and yanked me to my feet. Jamming his gun into the back of my head, he shoved me toward the other three, snapping something in the foreign language.

I put my hands up and went along, even though I felt like I might puke at any minute.

“No, don’t!” Joyce shouted.

“Roan!” Cindy yelled at the same time.

Any thought of reassuring them was gone immediately when the robber who whistled stepped forward, stopping me in my tracks.

For starters, he was huge. I was six foot and he still had several inches on me. From the breadth of his chest, I was sure he could bench me if he really wanted to. His eyes, a shocking ice-blue color, met mine, freezing the air in my lungs. Thankfully, they darted past my head to the guy behind me, allowing me to suck in a quick breath. He also spoke in a foreign language. At least, I think he spoke. The guttural syllables were more of a growl, sending a shiver down my spine.

The gun nudged the back of my head, but I couldn’t exactly go anywhere with the second guy right in front of me. When the gun pushed again, I stumbled forward a step, right into the whistler.

Cocking his head, his pale gaze dropped to mine as I bounced off of his torso. Before I could decide what my next move should be, if I should apologize or just keep my mouth shut, he fisted the front of my shirt and reeled me in even closer. Hissing something to the guy behind me, the whistler’s handgun came up into view, turning toward me.

I grabbed at the hand holding me with both of mine, trying to pry his ridiculously strong fingers open, but it was pointless. “No, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean—”

The gun came down swiftly, crashing against the side of my head. I crumpled under the blow. The floor rose up to meet me, welcoming my head with a hard ‘thunk.’

The last thing I saw was a pair of black boots striding away.



“What the fuck is your problem?”Yuri yelled in Russian, slamming the sliding door of the van as Gregor punched the gas and sped out of the parking lot.

“Hostages were not part of the plan,” I yelled back, yanking the itchy black mask off my face.

“He knew about the key! He could have gotten us what we wanted!”

Fixing him with an unimpressed glare, I bit my tongue to keep from replying. I gave orders, not explanations. And in our chain of command,myorders didn’t come from a goddamn idiot like Yuri.

“Igor.” I turned my attention to the man at the back. “Open the doors.”

“For what?” Yuri demanded.

Igor was smart enough to nod and crawl to the door, unlatching one side and then the other.

Without wasting another second, I unholstered my gun and fired a round into the center of his face. Blood splattered on one of the doors, along with squiggly chunks of his brain. The impact from the bullet knocked him backward and gravity took care of the rest.

The car behind us laid on their horn when his body tumbled out. Tires screeched as other vehicles swerved to try and avoid it. Somewhere in the back, two vehicles collided.

“What did you do that for?” Yuri shouted.

I stared at him for a moment, trying to decide if he really was that stupid or if he was just mad I killed one of his lackeys. “His information was flawed.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?!”

“He failed.” I leaned my elbow on my thigh, aiming the gun in Yuri’s direction. “That meansyoufailed. Do you want to tell your uncle what happened, or should I?”

Yuri ripped his mask off and whipped it toward the back of the van. “Fucking animal.”

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