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I cocked my head, waiting for her to go on.

She let go of my hand and slipped hers into the front pocket of my pants. Pulling out the pack of cigarettes, she helped herself to one. I fished my lighter out and sparked a flame for her, still waiting for her opinion on the ass beating her so-called boyfriend got.

There were times I swore she hated him more than I did, but she knew better than to try and leave him. The bastard forced himself into her business and into her, leaving her trapped with nowhere to go.

Lada took a drag and blew the smoke to the side, looking at me under thick black lashes and piles of eyeliner. “You should have killed him.”

“One day I will.”


“Killing is what I do.”

“Except now.” She picked something off her tongue and flicked it away, giving me a pointed once-over. “Now you’re a baby sitter.”

I ignored her and the echo of Yuri’s taunt. “Can you do me a favor?”

She raised her brows, pulling on the cigarette, the orange glow skittering up the white stick.

“I want to know who he’s talking to,” I continued, lowering my voice. “Especially about me.” Since the line was officially drawn in the sand, I wouldn’t put it past him to try and seek some sort of retribution for his wounded pride.

Her gaze raked over me again while she exhaled the smoke. “Whatever you say, Sasha.”

Giving her a nod, she stepped to the side and I continued down to the basement.

Vlad stood up from his chair, folding his newspaper. “Aleksandr.”

“Is Eduard here?”

He shook his bald head. “He said he’d be back later.”

I turned to go when whimpering from the storage room caught my attention. Anger prickled along my skin as I processed the noise. Throwing a glance at Vlad, I walked to the door, pointing at it. “Tell me those aren’t the girls Yuri picked up.”

Vlad didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to. I knew. Yuri’s dumb ass brought them here for their so-called training instead of taking them somewhere else because he was lazy and this place was close to the warehouse the cops raided. As much as I hated them, cops weren’t stupid. They’d be searching all of the Russian-owned businesses in the area and that would lead them straight here.

Shaking my head, I yanked the door open and stalked inside.

A dozen girls were scattered around the room, laying on mattresses or huddled together. Most of them looked strung out, with vacant stares that barely seemed to register my presence. Some had ripped clothing, others none at all.

“Katya?” I asked, scanning the faces for the little blonde Roan was so goddamn concerned about. None of them spoke up or made eye contact.

Vlad stepped up next to me. “Looking for someone?”

“A blonde girl. About, yay high,” I replied, holding my hand beneath by chest. “She called herself Katya.”

“There.” He jerked his chin toward a lump in the corner. “She’s a wild one but I think we finally broke her.”

I considered her sprawled form, in nothing but a bra and underwear. She stared at the ceiling, empty eyes and slack mouth. If I didn’t know better, I’d think she was dead. Well, shewasdead. The girl named Katya ceased to exist the minute someone snatched her and stuffed her onboard a container ship. That thing laying there was just a shell of a girl who’d been used and drugged and beaten, worse than any animal.

“I didn’t realize you liked them so young,” Vlad said with a chuckle. “Guess it explains why you haven’t married. If you want, I can save one from the next batch for you.”

My lip curled. “Get the fuck away from me.”

I didn’t wait for his reply. Stalking forward, the conscious and coherent girls shrieked and shied away, curling up at the furthest ends of their dirty mattresses.

Katya didn’t move.

Dropping to one knee next to her, I scanned her petite form, taking in all of the bruises and bite marks. Her wrists were free now, but they’d been rubbed raw by some sort of restraint. The inside of her elbow was already riddled with track marks and dried blood. There was nothing left to salvage.

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