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Yanking on the handcuffs, I swore beneath the tape.

My pathetic protest ended as soon as he reached for my jeans and popped the button open.

Frozen, I listened as the metal teeth unzipped.

Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Fuckfuckfuck.

One of his large hands gripped my hip and pushed it over, twisting my lower half as much as it would go with my arms still stretched out to the sides.

He yanked the waistband of my jeans away, his fingers grazing along the small of my back in the process. They stopped right at the top of my ass and… did nothing.

Fuck! What was he doing?

And then, just like that, the weight on the mattress lifted. The door opened and slammed shut and he was fucking gone.

Without him holding me in a twisted pose, my body rolled back into its original position. Closing my eyes, I exhaled slowly through my nose. So much for getting rid of my hard-on.



Sasha,you fucking idiot! You’re sick, sick in the head.

I grabbed a pair of pants in Roan’s size and threw them into the shopping basket. Staring at the heaped fabric, I shook my head and pulled them out again, trading the gray sweats for black instead.

This was a first — shopping for a victim. But who knew how long we’d have to be shacked up in that motel room. He had a point about the shower. And we’d both need some extra clothes if we wanted to be comfortable.

Comfortable? Christ Almighty. Who gave a fuck if he was comfortable?

Cursing myself, I stopped in front of the socks and underwear, grabbed the stuff I needed and wandered over to the shirts.

I had no idea what size shirt to get — I hadn’t bothered to check. My clothes would be huge on him, but he wasn’t small, either. Yeah, he was lean, but I had to accommodate for his height.

Before I overcomplicated everything, I grabbed a medium t-shirt and threw it onto the pile. A few more things rounded out this bizarre little shopping trip and I headed toward the cash registers, scanning my own shit and paying in cash.

Bags in hand, I walked back to the motel. It would have been faster to drive, but I wanted the time to myself. I hoped fresh air would help me get a grip on whatever the fuck my problem was.

He was a fucking meal ticket, Sasha, nothing more.

He was your captive.

And he was ahe.

One made him off limits — the other made him a death sentence.

I raked a hand through my hair and scratched the part where it faded down to bare skin. Just a few days. We had to lie low for a few days until the heat cleared, then I could take him to another safe house. Hopefully by then, Viktor would know what the fuck he wanted me to do with Roan now the original plan had gone to hell in a hand basket.

Keying myself back into the room, I kicked the door shut and secured the deadbolt and the chain. For good measure, I shoved a chair up under the handle at an angle. Once I knew the room was as secure as it was going to get, I turned my attention to my captive.

He watched me with a glare, mumbling his displeasure beneath the tape.

“Don’t talk. Got it?” I pointed a warning finger at him.

He nodded.

I picked at the corner of the tape and ripped it off in one quick motion.

He groaned and closed his eyes, rolling his lips together. I tried to ignore the fact my dick perked up with the sounds and focused on unlocking the handcuff from his right wrist.

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