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“Cops!”Ivan shouted as he ran by, heading for the cells. “The fucking cops are here!”

Swearing under my breath, I took off after him, yelling for Eduard as I ran.

“Where the fuck did they come from?” Eduard asked, jogging beside me. “We didn’t get any warning.”

“It doesn’t matter. Just get out of here.” I turned to Ivan and barked at him next. “Call Yuri. Get the girls out of sight and stay the fuck off the streets until you hear from someone.”

“Yes, sir!” Ivan shouted, yanking a brunette out of her cell and shoving her into line with the others.

“What about him?” Eduard asked, his chin jutting toward Roan.

“I’ll deal with it,” I said, not even thinking twice.

Eduard nodded and opened the second-to-last cell, ripping the tiny blonde girl out.

“Roan!” She screamed his name, stretching her hand toward the kid and clawing desperately at the air.

“Katya!” He was on his feet, shaking the chainlink, like he was seconds away from tearing the entire structure down. If I hadn’t welded the thing together myself, I would have been more concerned. “Let her go!”

I slapped a hand on the chainlink in front of his face. “Shut up!”

Roan glared at me, his teeth on edge. “Where is he taking her?”

The balls on this kid…

I didn’t have time to admire his tenacity. Spinning the dial on the lock, I ripped open the door and gestured for him to come out.

He shook his head and took a defiant step backward.

“Out. Now,” I growled.

“Nyet,” he spat back, doubling-down on his withering glare. For a moment, I was frozen by the Russian word on his American tongue. Did he speak Russian? Or was it a lucky guess? Either way, wereallydidn’t have the time to play games.

Charging in after him, I latched onto his bicep, dragging him out of the cell like a bratty child. Fighting me the entire way, he alternated between punching any part of me he could, including a well-placed aim to my kidney, and hanging onto the chainlink.

With one final yank, his fingers dislodged from the door and he stumbled out behind me.

As soon as we were out, I drove the barrel of my gun into his ribcage and steered him toward the back door. It was amazing how compliant he became with an H&K aimed at his lung. If I would have known he was going to be such a defiant little shit, I would have started off with the gun and saved myself the agony of pissing blood later.

“What’s happening?” Roan asked, his long strides easily matching mine. “Why are we leaving?”

I swore under my breath while also asking God for patience before I shot him. Ignoring his damn questions, I shouldered open the back door and took a quick glance around.

Seeing no one, I tightened my grip on him and sprinted across the parking lot to where I parked my Mercedes. The front of the warehouse had to be swarming with cops by now. Hopefully I still had time to get out the back way.

“What’s going to happen to Katya?” he asked, planting his feet firmly in protest while I opened the driver’s door.

“Get in the fucking car.” I didn’t wait for an answer before I shoved him into it headfirst. Before he got the idea I wanted him to drive, I grabbed a handful of his ass and pushed him over the center console, into the passenger seat.

A cop came around the corner of the building, shouting orders at us. Like that ever worked.

I took aim in the V between the frame of the car and the door, squeezing off a round. A second later, the cop’s face crumpled inward and his body dropped like a sack of potatoes.

“Fucking Christ!” Roan shouted, ducking and covering his ears with his hands. “You just shot a cop!”

Ignoring the panicking to my right, I watched as the cop’s body disappeared back around the corner from where it came. The next head that peeked out got a matching bullet like his partner.

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