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The blood on his face was a welcome distraction. Wetting another cotton pad, I dabbed his forehead, happy to have something else to concentrate on. “What did Yuri say to you?”


Fuck. I yelled at Ivan for being too soft on the kid and here I was, conversing just as easily. Ok, not quite as easily, but conversing nonetheless.

I ground my molars together and forcibly pushed Roan’s face away from me, wiping blood off of the side of it.

“Why do you care?” he asked. The pulse in the side of his throat jumped. I trailed the damp cotton along it, mesmerized by the beating and how it aligned with his breathing. His smart mouth may have been playing it cool, but his heartbeat gave him away.

Realizing I hadn’t answered, I spat out a reply quickly. “I don’t.” At least that part was true. I didn’t care. It was a matter of curiosity — and covering my own ass. I wanted to have all of the facts when I told Viktor how his dumbfuck nephew ended up with a hole through his hand.

Before Roan could open his mouth again, I shoved his face in the opposite direction to assess Yuri’s handiwork up close. Despite the swelling and redness, the skin wasn’t broken. Still, the mere sight of it made my blood boil all over again.

“Why did you shoot him?” Roan asked, his gaze sliding to meet mine.

I slapped another cotton pad on his cheek, right on top of the knuckle marks.

He hissed and pushed back into the chainlink with a grimace.

“Stop talking,” I said, enunciating each word. Letting go of the pressure, I turned his face toward me once more. There was a bit of blood on his chin, right where it dipped in the center beneath blond stubble. Not enough to be a cleft, but enough to give it definition, a sign he’d crossed the threshold from boy to man, even if the rest of his features remained youthful.

The tip of his tongue slipped out, swiping across his bottom lip. Fuck me… The curiosity to taste him hit me out of nowhere. I was fixated on his mouth, momentarily lost in wondering what it would look like after being kissed mercilessly. Just like his creamy skin, I was sure his lips would turn a darker shade of pink, showing the marking for hours, if not days, later.

Revolting, Sasha.



I had to get away from him.

Clearing my throat, I threw the cotton pads into the bucket with the rest of the garbage.

“Thank you,” he murmured. It may have been exhaustion, but he almost sounded dejected, like he sensed his time outside of the cell was coming to an end.

I refused to acknowledge his ridiculous gratitude. Instead, I left him standing there while I cleaned up and put everything back where it belonged.

Part of me wanted to leave him standing there all night as punishment for not listening to me. When I told him to stop thanking us, I meant it. I didn’t need his fucking gratitude — I needed a goddamn key!

The other part of me didn’t want him left out alone, exposed and vulnerable. Roan wasn’t like the usual bodies we moved through here. He had value to Viktor, which meant he wasn’t here for Yuri to fuckorfuck with.

Hopefully now the greasy bastard got it through his thick skull Roan was completely off limits. An eye for an eye, or a hand for a hand as it were. And a beating to make sure he never stepped out of line with me again.

One more fuck up and I’d be all too happy to show him the Wolf still had his fucking teeth.



Shiftingmy weight from one foot to the other, I rubbed my handcuffed hand, trying to work some feeling back into it. It wasn’t super high up, but the bend in my wrist was enough to impair the circulation. My left hand was already fucked, I didn’t need my right getting nerve damage or something. I could still move all my fingers on the left side, but there was no way I’d be able to play any instruments anytime soon. Not that I knewwhenI’d see my instruments again. Orif…

The good thing from this whole cluster was that I had one more name. Yuri. The blond asshole.

Ivan and Yuri.

Two down, two to go. Considering how rarely I saw Adidas, I didn’t count on getting his name.

But Mr. Black? His name was the most important one. He was clearly in charge, despite Yuri’s feelings on the matter.Hewas the one I needed to focus my attention on. Not that it was easy.

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