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A moment later, the door to the conference room swung open. If Oswaldo was expecting Aaron Geller, his penny-pinching partner, he was wrong. In strode Caleb Geller, Aaron’s ruthlessly ambitious and extremely pissed-off son.

“We’re in a meeting,” Oswald snapped.

“Oswald,” Caleb said with a tight smile. “It has come to our attention there has been some, mismanagement shall we say, in regard to several of our clients’ accounts. I’m here to ask you, politely, to please leave the premises.”

Oswald snorted. “You can’t be serious.”

“I assure you, a full investigation and audit of your files is currently underway,” Caleb replied with a predatory smile. “As of this moment, you are relieved of your responsibilities at the firm and pending the outcome of this investigation, you shall be terminated.”

Farnsworth got to his feet, staring down the younger lawyer. “This ismyfirm. You can’t fire me.”

Caleb smirked and tossed a knowing glance my way.

“See, that’s where you’re wrong, old chap.” I smiled brightly when the bastard turned his glare to me. “Remember when you promoted young Caleb here toequitypartner? You so kindly sold off ten percent of your share, along with Daddy Geller. That means Caleb owns twenty percent of the company. Aaron owns forty. By my math, they own sixty percent compared to your forty. That makesthemthe majority shareholder and able to do whatever the fuck they want.”

Oswald blustered and sputtered, but he knew deep down he was fucked.

I winked at him, which practically made him turn purple as he stomped out.

Leander and I got to our feet, shaking Caleb’s hand.

“Gentlemen,” he said with a smile. “Thank you for bringing this shameful behavior to our attention. You have my deepest apologies. I can only hope our working relationship moving forward is more fruitful than what you have previously had to put up with.”

“I’m sure it will be.” Leander inclined his head and headed for the door.

I fist-bumped Caleb on the way out.

In the car, Leander turned to me with an arched brow. “How did you know Caleb would go for it in the first place?”

“I know avarice when I see it.” I shrugged. “That kid has something to prove. Rewarding him with a percentage of the money he recovers doesn’t hurt, either.”

“I don’t know how you do it.”

“It’s a gift.”

Leander shook his head before leaning across the console, pressing his lips to mine. Between the remodeling at the mansion and removing the gatekeeper from his trust, I think it was safe to say Irene’s ghost was well and truly vanquished.



“Shit.” Groaning, I dropped my messenger bag on the kitchen table in the teal house. I knew it felt a little too light when I grabbed it earlier. That’s what I got for not paying attention.

“What’s wrong?” Leander asked, sifting through the mail, throwing most of it in the trash.

“I forgot my laptop at the mansion.”


“Dorian wants us to pick out light fixtures.”

“We’ll look everything over tomorrow. He can wait a day. We’re supposed to be at Elijah’s at seven.”

I sighed, swiping my keys off the hook. “No, it’s fine. The sooner we make these decisions, the sooner he’ll be out of our hair and you can get back to your beloved kitchen.”

“This one is... fine.” He glanced around the small space, actually managing to keep his distraught expression to a minimum.

“You’re so convincing,” I said with a laugh. “I’ll run and grab it and meet you at Elijah’s.”

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