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Kissing him once more, I slid my fingers out of him and reached for the bottle of lube again. Coating myself generously, I gave a few lazy tugs to my own dick, taking a moment to wrap my head around the fact that this was really happening. He was really letting me. Not onlylettingme,askingme to.

Scooting closer on my knees, I nudged the crown right up against him. As much as I wanted to see it, to watch my cock disappear into him inch by inch, I was focused onhim. His eyes, his face, his perfectly swollen mouth. Any sign that I needed to stop.

“I want you,” he said, reaching for my face. “All of you.”

Supporting myself with one hand, I hovered over him, meeting his lips tenderly while I guided my cock past the rim, stopping once the head was inside. His body tensed beneath me, a small cry muffled against my mouth.

“Relax,” I whispered, covering his face and throat with featherlight kisses. “Breathe, my love. It goes away. I promise.”

When I felt less resistance, I thrust in a little bit more. He breathing sped up again, and his fingers tightened — one hand on the back of my head and the other on my waist. “Fuck fuck fuck.”

“You’re so fucking tight. Breathe, love.” Easier said than done when I, myself, was almost breathless as I slid in deeper, stopping again. It’s not that I’d forgotten how good it could feel, but damn. Ithadbeen a while. “Oh my God… Are you ok?”

“Keep going.” He winced, turning his face into the side of my neck.

Lacing my fingers through his hair, I touched his cheek with my thumb, pressing kisses to his forehead, temple, lips, anywhere I could. “You’re so fucking perfect,” I groaned against his ear, my pelvis flush against him.

He kissed me again, wrapping both arms around me and pulling my whole body down on his. His hips shifted up, meeting each of my shallow thrusts, his trepidation melting with every passing second.

Soon, we fell into a slow, steady rhythm that was every bit as hot as the hard, fast sex we usually ended up doing no matter how gently we started out. Everything was in sync, from the give and take of our bodies to our shared breaths. It was unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. Maybe because I’d never been in love before.

“Fuck, Bennett. I’m going to come soon,” he gasped, his gaze locked on mine. His pale green eyes were so fucking beautiful, cheeks flushed and lips reddened.

“God, please do.” To help him along in that endeavor, I fisted his cock, matching the strokes to each thrust, increasing the rhythm based on his moans and ragged breaths.

I knew the minute his orgasm hit. Not by the cum jetting out onto his abdomen, but the way every muscle in his body tightened, including the ones my dick was buried inside. If his ass wasn’t already tight enough, feeling him come around me was on a whole other level. I was pretty sure I blacked out for a minute. My own orgasm tore through me as I collapsed on top of him, regardless of the fact we were now both covered in sweat and semen.

“Fuck me…” I pressed my cheek against his shoulder in the hopes the world would stop spinning. His heart was pounding so hard, it felt like I had two of my own — each racing and stuttering and trying to come back down from fucking euphoria. Pun intended.

“Is it always like that?” he asked, swallowing thickly. My throat was equally parched. If I had the energy, I’d get my ass up and go get water. But I didn’t, so it would have to wait.

“With you? Yeah.”

“Fuck… I’m dizzy.”

“Me too.” Muffling my snicker into the side of his neck, I toyed with his hair. Some curls were noticeably more damp and I could only imagine what a sexy disaster it was going to look like when he finally got up.

Once I could form a coherent thought, I propped myself up on my elbow and stroked his cheek. “Are you ok?”

He gave me a small smile, brushing the hair out of my eyes. “Perfect.”

Shifting forward, I kissed him gently, hoping it conveyed the depth of my love, my gratitude. He didn’t have to doanyof that, but he did. Giving up control wasn’t easy for him, but in that moment, he trusted me to take care of him. Even if this arrangement never happened again, I would never forget the light in his eyes when he looked at me, full of genuine love.

Theysaid psychopaths weren’t capable of love. Buttheywere fucking wrong. If this, this whole relationship, wasn’t love, then I didn’t know what was.



Blinking, I inhaled and stretched languidly. When I didn’t immediately feel a warm body next to me, I shot upright, looking at the empty bed. Grabbing my phone off the nightstand, I rubbed the sleep from one eye while checking the time. It was just after five thirty in the morning.


There was no answer.

Yanking on a pair of pajama pants, I darted out of the bedroom and down the stairs. I hopped over Annabel on the final stair and headed for the library.

Sounds from the kitchen drew me the opposite way instead.

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