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I rubbed my eyes with my thumb and forefinger, hoping to assuage the dull thumping in my head, a lovely aftereffect of the champagne. “What do you mean? What is there to figure out?”

Leander shifted beside me. When I opened my eyes again, he was looking at me with a befuddled quirk to his mouth. “You’ve been with women, so you clearly perform that role as well.”

“Yes…” I officially didnotlike where this conversation was headed. I had no regrets about my various escapades before Leander, but it wasn’t exactly something I wanted to discuss with him either. For someone who gavemeshit about being jealous, he certainly displayed his fair share since we’d been back and a conversation like this was bound to end in an argument. Personal experience taught me complete transparency involving body counts (the sexyandthe stabby kind) tended to get ugly.

“What about with other men?” His voice might have been calm, reserved, but the faint beat of his pulse was visible on the side of his pale throat. He didn’t want to have this conversation anymore than I did, yet here we were. His curiosity — or maybe his pride — wouldn’t let him ignore it now I’d insisted on knowing what he was thinking about.

I propped myself up again so I could see him better and try to decipher what was going on in that head of his. “Why is this even a question?”

“Just answer it.” He angled his face toward me, his gaze as solemn as the command.

A sigh escaped me before I could help it. Scratching the back of my neck, I looked away, hoping my response would be sufficient. I mean, it was bound to come up sooner or later, so it was best to get it done and over with. Right? He didn’t ask questions often, so it was only fair to answer when he did.

“I’m versatile. Ok? I top and bottom. It just depends.” I returned my gaze to his. “Can we drop it now?”

“Depends on what?” Of course not...

“Do you really want to be having this conversation right now?”

“Is there a reason youdon’twant to have this conversation?” His curiosity was tinged with suspicion, tightening the corners of his eyes.

Yeah. Dozens. But I wasn’t about to tell him that.

“It depends on a lot,” I said, stumbling over the words while I tried to figure out an answer that would hopefully satisfy him. “My mood, his mood. My size, his size. Does he have a definite role, so to speak. Where we are. How much time we have. How drunk I am.” I didn’t need the unamused look Leander shot me to know I should have stopped before the last reason, but it was true.

“Do you miss it?”


“If that’s what it’s called.”

“I mean…” Please, for the love of God, someone come in and kill me so I don’t have to answer any more of these questions. “Sometimes. I guess. I don’t know. I don’t think about it.”

“Then why haven’t we…?” He rolled one index finger over the other in the air.

“Flipped?” I prompted, raising my brows at him.

He nodded, chewing on the inside of his bottom lip.

“Because I really don’t care? Becausethatis not the be-all-and-end-all of a relationship?” The corners of my mouth dipped into a frown, still trying to piece together his line of thinking. “Are you not happy with the way things are?”

“No!” His eyes widened in a flash of worry. “I mean, I don’t wantyouto be unhappy.”

“I’ll never be unhappy with you.”

“Yeah. We’ll see about that,” he muttered, averting his eyes so he could glower at the far side of the room.

“I’m not going anywhere.” I wormed myself on top of him, pressing slow kisses to his clavicle and throat.

His hands settled on my waist, but his attention was fixed on some point beyond my head.

“Are you curious?” I brushed my nose against his to get his attention, arching a brow when I finally did.

He met my gaze, but didn’t even crack a smile. “That isnotwhat this is about.”

“No?” Biting my lower lip suggestively, I reached down and gasped in faux surprise to find he was starting to get hard. “I think it is. I think you want to try but you’ve been too scared to ask.”

“You’re reading too much into a simple physiological response.”

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