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I moved downward, inch by inch, until my hand slipped beneath the collar of his sweater. He arched his back, which put him in a better position to gaze up at me from my lap while my hand splayed across his smooth chest.

“Can I help you with something?” he asked, adopting a demure tone to go along with his polite smile.

“Shh.” I cleared my throat, keeping my attention on the contract, or at least pretending to. “I’m trying to get some work done.”

“You’re incorrigible.”

“You love it.”

“Will it make you happy?” His voice was suddenly serious.

“Will what make me happy?” I lowered the brief, furrowing my brows at him.

He arched an eyebrow back at me, silently calling my bluff. “You can remodel whatever you like, just don’t touch my kitchen.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” I smiled and leaned down, kissing him. He dropped his book and reached for me, his fingers slipping through my hair to pull me closer.

The doorbell chimed throughout the house, interrupting the quiet. The deep, booming tone signaled someone was at the front door rather than the back.

We exchanged a wary glance, both looking equally confused. It was safe to assume it wasn’t a social call, though, since our friends would have either texted beforehand or simply let themselves in the back door. So God only knew who was here to take one, or both, of our heads off.

Whoever it was, we went to face them together.

The door swung open and the world stopped spinning.

There stood Dr. Lorelei Clayton in the flesh. A block of ice formed in my stomach at the mere sight of her. Perfect blonde hair, perfect blue eyes, perfect fucking everything. Sadly, that part of the dream hadn’t been exaggerated.

For a split second, she stood there, staring at Leander in pure awe. In the next instant, she lunged across the distance, throwing her arms around his neck.

I bit my tongue, literally, as hard as I could between my molars. Forcing my gaze away, I crossed my arms over my chest so I didn’t inadvertently strangle her.

Leander, for his part, remained frozen in place, his arms firmly at his sides.

She pushed away after a minute and held his face in her hands. Her eyes were bright, wet with tears, as she gazed up at him like he was the Second Coming. “When your lawyer called, I didn’t believe it at first. Where have you been? All this time I thought—”

“Where is Annabel?” Leander took a step backward, out of her hands, his expression devoid of any discernible emotion.


“Annabel — I assume you brought her?”

“Who is this?” she asked, suddenly realizing he wasn’t alone. She glanced between the two of us, her brows drawn together.

Happy to see I was once again relevant, I turned my gaze to the blonde across from me. “Bennett Reeve,” I replied with a tight smile. There was no point in wasting my charm on the likes of her.

A glare shot across her face. Guess she was still sore from our phone conversation. Aw, rats. However was I going to sleep tonight?

She turned back to Leander, her happiness dimmed considerably. “Your lawyer?”

“My husband,” Leander corrected, quietly, but as clear as could be.

If I wasn’t so skilled at masking my surprise, I’d have been picking my jaw up off the floor. There was no “It’s not you, it’s me” speech, no hand holding, or “Let’s be friends” bullshit. Oh, no. Leander dropped the biggest break-up bomb I’d ever seen and he didn’t even flinch. He wassogetting laid later.

The confusion melted from her face, replaced with something akin to horror. Her golden skin turned an odd shade of green and it sounded like she expelled all the air from her lungs just to push out a single question. “Yourwhat?”

“Husband,” I repeated, trying not to sound too gleeful. I held up my left hand and pointed at the black titanium band on my ring finger. She must have been a visual learner since she clearly didn’t listen for shit. Ironic, considering her profession. She didn’t waste any time comparing it to the one and only ring on Leander’s hand — a matching band on his left ring finger. “So, where’s the cat?”

“You’re gay?” Lorelei squeaked the question. She still looked the teensiest bit hopeful, like this was all some sort of a prank. Like Leander was the type to pull asinine pranks. Wasn’t this bitch supposed to be able to read crazy people? Even if Leander manipulated the shit out of her, did she not getanysense of his real personality?

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