Page 71 of Devil's Delirium

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As the day draggedon, leaving me cross-eyed and mentally drained, anticipation for my evening with Maverick morphed into a jittery cocktail of excitement and dread. Each tick of the clock amplified my anxiety, knowing I was about to taint our date with a potentially perilous errand.

The sun’s dying rays painted the sky in hues of amber and crimson when Maverick finally arrived. He cut an impressive figure in black jeans that seemed tailored to his rugged frame and a gray ribbed sweater that begged to be touched. His eyes roved appreciatively over my long black dress, and I felt a pang of self-consciousness as his gaze landed on my well-worn leather jacket—a stark reminder of my limited wardrobe.

“You look stunning,” he murmured, his voice a low rumble that sent warmth blooming across my cheeks, a stark contrast to the crisp evening air nipping at my skin. I’d never yearned for a more sophisticated coat as intensely as I did in that moment, acutely aware of the disparity between us.

Mustering a mask of calm that I hoped would cover my inner turmoil, I slung my bag over my shoulder, mumbling a ‘thanks’ that felt inadequate on my tongue. As Maverick’s hand found my arm, an electric current seemed to pulse through me. His touch, simultaneously comforting and unsettling, sparked a maelstrom of emotions I doubted I’d ever fully reconcile.

“Uh, I have somewhere I have to go. I don’t know if it’s going to mess up whatever plans you’ve already made, but it’s important.”

He dipped his chin, completely unperturbed. His face revealed not a twitch to betray any locked-down annoyance. “Sure. Where are we going?”

“Just like that? You’re not upset?”

He leaned in. “I’d only be upset if you ghosted me, monstre. Do we need my car?”

I gave him a tight nod. “It’s in Allentown.”

“Let’s step inside so I can phase us to my garage.” His voice was a deep rumble that had a warmth pooling low in my belly. I had to get a hold of myself.

My heart raced, the memory of his powerful arms wrapping around me to teleport us to the top of that building fresh in my mind. The entire night had been both thrilling and terrifying, from the haunted mansion to our time together on the roof to when he dropped me off at home, saying he’d find me. I hadn’t believed him then, but here we were. I turned around, my fingers trembling slightly as I unlocked the door and pushed it open.

He stepped inside, the door closing with a soft thud behind him. The quiet click of the lock echoed in the stillness. He moved with a quiet confidence, his presence commanding the small space. As he held out his arms for me, I hesitated for a moment, the reality of getting that close to him again sinking in. But then I stepped closer, drawn by the promise of safety and warmth.

His arms wrapped around me, heavy and secure, pulling me to his broad trunk. The spicy, musky aroma of him enveloped me, a heady cocktail that was both comforting and intoxicating. His body radiated warmth, seeping into my bones and chasing away the chill that had settled there throughout the day full of anxiety. I closed my eyes, surrendering to the embrace.

The world fell away as the feeling of weightlessness came over me. It was a strange sensation, like being caught in a powerful current, both exhilarating and unnerving. My stomach lurched, the air around us humming with energy, a faint buzzing I could almost feel against my skin.

In an instant, gravity returned as quickly as it had gone. I opened my eyes to find us standing in a dark, multi-level garage, the familiar smell of motor oil and metal replacing the crisp outside air. The frantic dance of lights barely illuminated the rows of cars. Maverick’s arms loosened, but he didn’t let go immediately, his presence a steadying force against the remnants of disorientation.

I took a deep breath, the scent of dirt and cars rooting me back in reality. The distant sound of traffic outside filtered through the walls, normalcy reasserting itself after the surreal experience. I glanced up at him, his eyes meeting mine with a reassuring calm.

“We’re here.” His gentle voice cut through the remnants of my disquiet. I nodded, my heart rate slowly returning to normal. Theadventure of teleporting was over, but the significance of what we had to do next settled heavily on my shoulders.

He led me to a sleek, silver sports car that screamed luxury and speed. The metallic sheen glinted under the overhead lights, and the gentle curve of its body hinted at its power. He opened the passenger door with a casual elegance, and I slid into the cool, soft leather seat. That new car smell reminded me of untouched luxury.

As I settled in, I couldn’t ignore the gnawing emptiness in my stomach. I hadn’t eaten all day, thanks to nerves and excitement for this evening. Now that I was here, my hunger was more pronounced by the strange juxtaposition of sensations.

Maverick got into the driver’s seat, the engine purred to life with a refined growl, and he backed out of the space with a confident ease.

“So, where are we going in Allentown?” His voice carried a playful tease, breaking the silence. The tone made me grin despite my nerves. The contrast between our high-end ride and the destination tickled me. Allentown wasn’t known for its cleanliness or hopping nightlife.

I glanced out the window as the world outside became a blur. The rhythmic hum of the tires oddly soothed my nerves. Buildings and trees zipped by, the changing scenery a steady backdrop to my racing thoughts.

Not wanting to reveal my anxiety about the whole thing, I tried to match his lighthearted tone. “There’s a storage unit there I have to check out. There was an invoice for it in Ivan’s mail. Figured it might hold some answers.”

The car was a cocoon of comfort, and the more time I spent with him, the more I relaxed—the opposite of how I knew I should feel. The dashboard lights gently illuminated the sleek surfaces. Leather seats cradled my achy ass, their slight warmth a comforting contrast to the cool exterior world.

He raised an eyebrow, a hint of intrigue in his playful demeanor. “A storage unit, huh? In Allentown? Gonna go dig up the bodies?”

“Ugh, not you too? No, Ivan wasn’t that stupid. Sadistic, but not stupid.”

“I guess we’re about to find out,” he pointed out. “Who else thought it was bodies?”

My heart skipped a beat. “What? No one.”

“You said, ‘not you too,’ like you’d already had the conversation.”

I wasn’t prepared to tell him about Oscar; it wasn’t my secret to reveal. I stared straight ahead as we drove further, the city’s hustle and bustle gradually giving way to a more subdued and gritty atmosphere.

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