Page 20 of Devil's Delirium

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Despite the connection, she remained silent, guarded, which only added to her mystery. But I kept my eyes on her, building up that silent rapport, so when I finally struck, she’d be my ripe little peach.

Before I could, a familiar face appeared at the edge of the floor, panic etched in his features. It was one of our contacts, Elias, his eyes wide with urgency. “Hunters. They’re on their way in.”

I groaned. “Well, just fuck my whole life, man. I had plans.”

Elias wasn’t moved. I glanced back at the table full of my friends, and he followed my gaze. Together, we motioned subtly for them to follow us out. Stone noticed first, of course. He stood abruptly, signaling to the rest of the table it was time to leave.

We navigated the crowd swiftly, urgency in every step, though it wouldn’t have shown on any of us. We were used to playing it cool. As we reached the exit, I glanced back at the beautiful skeleton-faced woman, the fusion of curiosity and panic in her eyes.

There was something about her, and it wasn’t only that she was glowing.

I was going to find out who she was and what she wanted.

Then I’d give it to her, and take what I wanted.

If I was lucky, we’d both want the same things; each other, raw, sweaty, writhing and screaming.

Chapter Thirteen: Shadows of Regret

Maverick 1557

I tossed and turnedin my sleep, my mind restless even in the supposed sanctuary of slumber. The room was dark, illuminated only by the pale moonlight filtering through the thin curtains. Suddenly, the air grew cold, and the shadows deepened, coalescing into a familiar form.

Susannah stood at the foot of my bed, eyes blazing with a blend of sorrow and fury, her ethereal presence as vivid as any waking memory, with dark hair cascading around her like a luminous storm.

“Maverick,” she hissed, her voice echoing with an otherworldly timbre. “How could you leave me without even saying goodbye?”

I sat up abruptly, heart pounding. “Susannah,” I breathed. A pang of guilt pierced my chest, and longing grew like the lengtheninghollows of twilight. “I’m sorry, my sweet. You wouldn’t listen to reason. I had to make sure we were both safe.”

Her eyes narrowed, and she stepped closer, her form shuttering like a candle flame. “Safe?” she spat. “You think leaving me, without a word, without a trace, kept me safe? Do you know what you’ve done to me?”

I reached out, but my hand passed through her, the cold touch of her anger sending shivers down my spine. “I promise it is only because I love you.” My voice was heavy with regret. “I couldn’t bear the thought of you getting hurt because of me. You need to live your life, Susannah. Find someone who can make you happy.”

Her laughter was bitter, echoing around the room. “Live my life? How can I do that without my soul intact? You’ve stolen it from me! If you leave me forever, Maverick, I swear you will regret it. I will make your life a living hell. You will understand the pain you caused me.”

Her despair added extra strain to my own, and I shook my head. “It is already true, my sweet. I understand you’re angry, but believe me, I’m not that special. With time, you’ll see that. I promise. You will get over me.”

Her form stuttered, and for a moment, I saw the vulnerable, heartbroken woman I loved beneath the rage. But she scoffed, shaking off the brief vulnerability. “You think I can just forget you?” she screeched, her voice trembling with emotion. “You were everything to me, Maverick. You’ve ripped out my heart.”

I felt a lump in my throat, torn between my love for her and the truth of reality. The necessity of what we had to do. She was my weakness, and I couldn’t afford that. I couldn’t do that to her. She deserved to live her life. “Susannah, I know this hurts. Believe me, it hurts me too. But you deserve a chance at a normal life, free from the dangers that follow me.”

She shook her head, tears glistening in her eyes. “I told you, time and time again, how I felt. A life without you is no life at all. We could have run away. Together. Instead, you chose this. You will never forget me, Maverick, mark my words.”

My heart ached for the depths of her despair, but I didn’t think she was capable of such a curse. “Please, Susannah. Find someone who can love you without the promise of danger hanging over you.”

She stepped back, her form beginning to fade. “Never. I won’t let you go, Maverick.” Her voice, a haunting whisper before me. “You may run, but you will never be free of me.”

As she vanished into the void, I woke with a gasp atop sweat-soaked bed sheets. The dream left me with a hollow ache, wondering if it was my subconscious torturing me or if the love I tried to protect had festered into a toxic hate that would ruin her life.

From that day on, I would never allow a love like that to grow. I would attend masked orgies and brothels. Men were easier to keep at arm’s length. I would eventually trust that some women really did want one-night stands, but even then, it was hard to tell who meant it and who only thought they meant it.

Chapter Fourteen: Point of No Return


The morning of thebattle, I lingered in bed for as long as I could bear, the heavy blankets a comforting cocoon against the strain of impending conflict. The soft morning light seeped through the curtains, blanketing the room in a delicate luminescence. Eventually, the allure of caffeine grew too strong to resist, pulling me from the warm embrace of my bed.

I shuffled into the kitchen, padding over the cool floor tiles. The smell of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, joining with the faint aroma of toast and butter from Addie’s breakfast. She peered up from her phone, curiosity and concern clear to see as she put her cup down.

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