Page 17 of Devil's Delirium

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We pushed through, ordered our drinks, and when they arrived, raised our glasses in silent toast to the night ahead. It had been weeks since I’d had a chance to let go, with all my time spent at Ivan’s beck and call. I was surprised that he’d wanted to do the tattoo so close to Halloween, but ultimately, Ivan was nothing if not impulsive. And now I knew he wanted it for Devil’s Delirium. When he got an idea, it had to happen right away. For whatever reason, Ivan didn’t want me; I thanked my lucky stars and vowed to enjoy my sacred night.

As I scanned the pulsating crowd, my gaze snagged on a masculine figure that stood out amidst the sea of costumes and flashing lights. He moved with a confident swagger, his striking presence drawing the eye of those around him. With each step, his muscular frame rippled beneath the glow of the neon lights, his bare chest glistening with sweat. I bit my lip, wanting to lick it up.

What the fuck? No.

Clad in nothing but a pair of dark blue jeans and an open hoodie, his face was made up like a skeleton, too, but monochrome with perfect sharp angles. Emitting menacing vibes, the hood draped over his head like Death himself. He dominated the crowd, and as he gyrated to the beat, only a few danced with him, caught up in the infectious energyof the moment. Almost everyone else kept their distance, throwing furtive glances in his direction.

Despite the vibrancy of the club, an aura of unease seemed to follow him like a shadow, causing most to give him a wide berth as he traversed through the crowd. But he either didn’t notice or care what anyone thought about him.

I nudged Addie and discreetly pointed him out as he weaved through the crowd.

“That’s Reaper,” she said, eyes glazed in apprehension.

I blinked in surprise and clicked my jaw shut, well aware of the whispers and rumors that swirled through the city. Reaper was an enigma. No one knew his true identity or origins. He seemed to materialize out of thin air, only to vanish just as quickly. Intimidating tales of a ferocious temper earned him a reputation among supernaturals.

They said he was a lethal predator with a preternatural knack for combat. Some whispered that he seemed to manipulate time and space, appearing and disappearing with a mere thought, which I doubted. Supernaturals were no better than humans when it came to making up urban legends.

Despite the undeniable allure, I had no intention of crossing paths with Reaper. I had enough trouble in my life without inviting more.

As the music pulsed through the club, Addie and I abandoned ourselves to the rhythm, letting it wash away our daily pressures and worries and getting lost in the euphoria of the moment.

The dance floor throbbed with a riot of sensations. Strobes of neon light splattered ever-shifting patterns across the writhing crowd. The heat of all the bodies created a humidity that caused so much sweat to mingle with the sharp tang of alcohol, creating an intoxicating atmosphere that seemed to seep into every pore. As the music throbbed relentlessly, I surrendered myself to the rhythm, letting it carry meaway. I didn’t care where. Losing track of time and space, I became one with the energy of the crowd.

And then, amidst the chaos of the dance floor, I felt a subtle shift in the air that drew my attention. A presence.

I didn’t know what to expect, but when I opened my eyes, I was met with a sight that sent a shiver down my spine. Amidst the swirling mass of bodies was Reaper himself, moving with a sinister grace that sent a chill through the air.

His movements were almost hypnotic as he edged closer, his eyes locked with mine in a predatory gaze. A smirk played across his lips, sending a thrill of fear and excitement coursing through me. His aura was intoxicating, drawing me in despite the warning bells ringing loudly.

For a fleeting moment, time stood still as we moved our bodies in perfect synchrony with the pounding rhythm of the music. A dance of seduction and danger, a tantalizing game of cat and mouse that left me breathless and exhilarated.

“What’s your name?”

He spoke to me.

My throat stuck.

I couldn’t breathe.

He leaned in, close to my ear. “I’ve never seen such brilliance in a pile of bones, joli monstre.”

The tenor of his voice vibrated against my eardrum, bringing goosebumps to the surface of my skin, but I still couldn’t speak. I stared at him and bit my lip. He chuckled low, and then, as suddenly as he had appeared, Reaper was gone, melting into the corners and leaving only that chill in the air.

Blinking in disbelief, I blew out a long breath and, trying to shake off the lingering sense of unease, threw myself into the music oncemore, letting its relentless vibrations wash over me in a tidal wave of sensation. Addie laughed and shouted, her voice lost in the cacophony as we kept moving for the rest of the night until our legs grew weary and our voices hoarse.

Then, with new drinks in hand, we settled onto the barstools, relief flooding through me as the cool surface of the bar pressed against my palms. Addie and I exchanged exhausted smiles and leaned against the bar as we finished our last drink for the night.

But as I lifted my glass to my lips, a movement in the corner of my eye caught my attention. My gaze snapped to the imposing form of Reaper cutting a path through the crowd, his platinum hair soaked dark with sweat under the hood, shadowing his chiseled features and accentuating the intensity of his presence. I found myself unable to tear my gaze away, drawn to him like a moth to a flame. There was something undeniably magnetic about him, a potent allure that seemed impossible to fight. For a moment, I wondered if it was more than a natural attraction—if there really was some sort of magical enchantment to it.

Reaper turned, his piercing golden gaze locking onto mine. My heart stuttered in my chest, the blood rushing in my ears as he did a double take, a mischievous grin spreading across his lips.

In that instant, the room spun and panic clawed at my heart, threatening to overwhelm me as I struggled to maintain my composure.

I grasped Addie’s arm to anchor me in my seat so I wouldn’t embarrass myself by smacking my head on the floor in front of everyone. “Did you see that?”

Addie frowned, her brows knitting together in question as she scanned the crowd. “See what?” she asked, oblivious to the whole encounter I’d had with him earlier.

It was enough time to stop and remember to avoid drama. I pushed aside my fleeting tumultuous emotions and focused on savoring the final moments of the night with Addie. “Oh, nothing. Just thought I saw someone I recognized.” But my heart continued to race, my mind buzzing with both excitement and apprehension.

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