Page 111 of Devil's Delirium

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“Yes, the circus,” he leered. “My masterpiece! Far beyond your petty little shop and its trinkets. When I come back for you, you won’t be able to stop me. I’ll keep you in a little jar like a genie.” His expression brightened, and he let out a maniacal giggle. The sound rang out like church bells and made me want to jump out of my skin. “I’ll give it a little rub when I want a little rub.”

Maverick’s fists clenched, his knuckles white with tension. The determination in his monstrous eyes flashed red, a stark contrast to the darkness that Ivan represented.

His gaze drifted to Maverick’s, but Ivan didn’t care. He loved it. “What, you think she’s yours now? Didn’t she tell you how used up she is? She’s like the dirty, dried-up rag I wipe my cum on. Get your own.” He shrugged. “Or whatever, use my cum rag while I’m away. But I’m taking it back when I’m ready.”

My mind raced, the pieces of Ivan’s plan clicking into place. The circus of horrors he’d been planning, the twisted vision he wanted to bring to life, all of it.

And now, he was here to gloat.

Ivan’s bubble shimmered, a final mocking barrier between us. “Enjoy your little rebellion while you can.” His voice dripped with false sympathy. “It’ll all come crashing down sooner or later.”

My heart lurched as Maverick, undeterred, hurled himself at Ivan once more. His body a blur of desperate motion, I found myself leaning forward, breath held, clinging to a fragile thread of hope—

It shattered in an instant.

Maverick collided with the shield.

The air itself seemed to tear apart.

A blinding flash of electric blue light.

A deafening crack.

I cried out in shock.

The acrid smell of sulfur filled my nostrils as arcs of energy shot to the bubble’s surface.

To my horror, the electricity lashed out, enveloping Maverick. His body went rigid, muscles locking as the current surged through him. A strangled sound escaped his throat as he toppled backward, limbs twitching violently.

I wanted to run to him, to help somehow, but terror kept me rooted in place, forced to watch helplessly as he convulsed on the floor.

Ivan’s laughter rose again, drowning out the fading crackle of electricity. That high-pitched, maniacal sound set my teeth on edge and made my stomach churn. The triumphant glee in that cackle revealed a cruelty beyond measure, a stark reminder of the monster he was.

Just as abruptly as he had appeared, Ivan vanished. The sudden absence of his laughter left a ringing silence in my ears. In his place, a swirling cloud of vivid blue smoke materialized, carrying with it the acrid stench of sulfur. The smoke coiled and twisted like a living thing, slowly thinning until it was nothing more than a ghostly wisp.

As the last of the smoke faded away, the reality of the situation crashed over me.

I was alive, but for how long?

And at what cost?

The lingering scent of sulfur and ozone seemed to mock me.

Ivan could return at any moment to finish what he’d started.

The acrid smell of burnt sulfur filled my nostrils, joining with the sharp tang of fear and adrenaline.

I dropped to my knees beside Maverick, my heart pounding in my chest. The cold floor pressed against my legs, centering me in the present moment.

I reached out to him. His face was pale, his eyes squeezed shut in pain. I pushed the sweat-soaked hair off his forehead, my fingers trembling as I made contact with his clammy skin.

Maverick rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling. His eyes fluttered open wide, looking past me. Unseeing. Haunted. The static still clinging to his skin, tiny shocks prickling against my fingertips. He managed a nod, his jaw clenched against the pain.

The normally comforting ambiance now felt charged with a discomfiting energy, every corner filled with the remnants of Ivan’s malevolent presence. It seemed to be holding its breath, the shadows on the walls whispering threats and insults for him, the lingering smoke and electricity overwhelming me.

“Are you okay?” I whispered, my voice cracking with worry. The words felt ridiculous, barely scratching the surface of the turmoil churning inside me. Of course he wasn’t.

He lifted his head and grunted, propped himself up on his elbows. “I’m fine. But that asshole is about to find out what three ancient seraphim can do when they’re pushed.”

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