Page 103 of Devil's Delirium

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“But you’re coming into your power. I can feel how much stronger you stand on your own two feet. That’s good,” she said, her voice infused with a quiet pride.

“Sort of,” I replied, shifting uncomfortably. “This is Maverick. Maverick, Seraphina.”

They held their hands to their breasts in a respectful greeting common in the supernatural world, a gesture that acknowledged anancient, shared culture. “Tell me what I can do to help, Tess.” Her eyes locked back onto mine with an air of concern.

“We need a separation.” My voice was strained, with the magnitude of our situation hanging heavily in the air.

She smiled, a knowing glint in her eyes. “To separate a seraphim mate bond is no small feat.”

Surprised but not shocked that she already knew what Maverick was, a twitch played at the corners of my lips. “I know. Can you do it?”

Seraphina’s grin faded slightly as she went still, considering our request, no doubt, her brow furrowing in thought. The silence stretched, filled only by the soft intermittent crackling of the candle flames and the distant rustle of the forest outside. Finally, she nodded slowly, her expression tentative.

“It will not be easy, and it will require great strength from you both.” Her voice was solemn and grave. “But yes, it can be done. We will need to prepare carefully and gather the necessary components.”

Relief washed over me, mingled with a renewed sense of determination. “Thank you, Seraphina.” My voice was steadier now.

She reached out and placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “We will begin now.”

As she turned to gather supplies, Maverick and I exchanged a glance, my unwavering certainty threatening to crumble. With Seraphina’s guidance, we would find a way to break the bond that bound us in a strangling embrace I couldn’t tolerate. Maybe then, the freedom would allow our budding relationship to grow some roots.

The accomplished and powerful mage pointed us to a back room. “Go through there and have a seat at the table inside.”

As we shuffled through the narrow aisles, she closed her shop, turning the sign around and locking the door. The back room wasdark, but we found the small, round table with three chairs pushed up against the wall, and we both sat down to wait for her. My nerves were tight, like a star about to explode.

Seraphina lit some candles around the room. She asked us both to sit with our hands over the table, palms up. We were to close our eyes and meditate.

“I’m going to do an ancient ritual that most practitioners don’t know about anymore. The ritual is described in a book that was buried under a fallen cabin in the forest of Norway. We’ll explore your souls, see how well entangled they are. Oftentimes, if a separation is desired, the weave isn’t too complex yet.”

I focused on my breathing and tried not to worry. If Seraphina advised it was likely that wanting this to happen was a good sign, I was going to believe her. She chanted some words I’d never heard before. I guessed they were Norwegian or Old Norse. The air crackled around us, but there was no other indication that anything was happening. Then Seraphina began to mumble. She hummed curiously, at first, her face twisting subtly with concentration, then she made this deep groaning noise.

I couldn’t wait anymore. If she wouldn’t offer an explanation, I would pluck it from her. “Is everything okay?”

Her eyes snapped open, her gaze searched deep, as if mining for diamonds. “It depends. Why do you want this separation?”

I curled my toes tightly in my shoes, wishing I could twist my fingers in knots just for something to distract my body from this torment. “Well, that’s kind of personal, but the truth is, I’m just not ready.”

Her lips curved into what seemed to me a cruel smirk, but her eyes brimmed with genuine concern. The jarring contradiction left me bewildered. The room seemed to close in around us, the walls almostpulsating with tension. A faint scent of incense lingered in the air, mixing with the earthy aroma of old books and aged wood.

“I see.” Her voice was a blend of warmth and gravity. “Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter if you are ready or not because the two of you have been bound for a very long time indeed.”

My heart stopped. The air whooshed out of the room, leaving me breathless. Time ceased as my mind convulsed like a fish on the rocky shore. “What?” I hissed, feeling a cold sweat break out across my forehead.

“Oh yes. For many generations,” she continued, her tone unwavering, almost sage-like, as if she were delivering an ancient prophecy.

“How can that be?” I exclaimed, my voice cracking with disbelief. My eyes darted to Maverick, seeking any sign of understanding, but his usually composed demeanor shattered, mirroring my shock.

“Soul mates?” Maverick asked, his voice tinged with desperation.

“No. Not soul mates. This is something different. Something far more sinister,” she replied, her words hanging heavy in the air.

“Sinister? What is it?” I squeaked, my voice scarcely louder than a breath, feeling a churning in my stomach.

She took a long, slow breath, her eyes never leaving mine. “This is… It is more like a curse.”

“A curse? We just met. Whose curse? Why?” I glanced at Maverick again, hoping for some clarity, but his eyes were plagued with as much shock, his face ashen.

“I don’t know why, but it is a soul-deep curse affecting you both.” Her voice softened slightly, as if she understood the magnitude of what she was revealing.

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