Page 37 of Day of the Storm

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Just because her father had fired him from his last job in Wichita Falls, when he’d bought out that station there. Her father was agoodman. Dwight should have gone to jail. That he hadn’t had just been a technicality. One that Brooke still didn’t understand.

As soon as her father returned from Chicago, Brooke was going to talk to him. Find out what she should do about Dwight. If she made it that long. The man…just wouldn’t leave her alone.

And she was almost certain he had followed her home the night before. She was almost convinced she’d seen him outside her home. Just…watching.

She made a point to stay where she could see Houston. Her reasoning: if she could see him, then the one other man in the station with her and Dwight now could seeher.

She didn’t think Dwight would try anything tonight, not like he’d threatened the last time they’d been alone. Not with the much larger, stronger, forceful Houston Evers right there.

Dwight was a little afraid of Houston. She had seen that for herself.

No wonder. Houston could be a bit frightening. He didn’t tolerate screwups very well, or uncertainty. He wanted people to make decisions quickly and confidently, with knowledge. And no mistakes.

He was used to being the man in charge. He reminded her of her father in that regard.

Maybe that was why she felt almostsafewith him, even though he very obviously didn’t tolerate her all that much?

Houston didn’t scare her at all, not compared to Dwight.

Houston just grouched at her all the time—the man didn’t handle change well—but he wouldn’t everphysicallyhurt her.

She knew that, on a deeper level, for some reason, she hadn’t figured out yet.

She had learned a long time ago with a boyfriend who hadn’t listened to the wordnothat some men hid evil in their souls. She didn’t think Houston Evers was like that.

Even if he didn’t like her very much, Houston wouldn’thurther.

Unlike Dwight, who had threatened to do just that. Who liked knowing he terrified her, had thatcontrolover her like that.

“You can’t hide behind Evers forever,” Dwight said, causing her to jump. She’d thought he was focused on doing his job. “He won’t be around all the time. Maybe even tonight. Then you are mine, you little bitch. And I’m going to enjoy you so much. Daddy’s not going to be here to protect you, either. You can’t get away from me tonight, sweetheart. Something to keep in mind.”

Brooke couldn’t help herself. She…almost ran out of the booth. Dwight’s laughter followed her the entire way.


Houston hadfive minutes before he had to be live on air again. And something was going on out there. He had seen Dwight say something. And he had seen the terror that crossed her face in that instant.

Something waswrong. Houston wasn’t stupid.

He knew Dwight could be an asshole sometimes. But the man was decent at his job, and he worked cheap. The previous station owner had kept the man on for that very reason. It was just a matter of time before Dwight was fired, though. And someone better put in his place. Wade Jacobs did typically pay his people a lot better than the previous owners, Houston would give the man that. And much better benefits, for the handful of full-time employees.

He motioned Dwight to continue playing repeats of the weather service bulletin for the next five.

He followed Brooke into her office.

“Brooke?” He said her name quietly.

But she still screamed and jumped. When she looked at him, there were tears on her cheeks. The expression she gave him shot straight into his gut. “Houston!”

“Who did you think it would be?” She shot a look at the door. Telling him all he needed to know. “You’re afraid of him. Why? Tell me right now. What did he say to you?”

She just looked at him from big, soul-stealing green eyes. For the longest time. There were memories in those eyes. “You’d better get back in there. The city is counting on you in the storm.”

“You are coming in with me. You can sit there in the chair right next to me.” He made the decision whether she wanted him to, or not. Technically, she was the one in charge, not him. “I’m not letting you out of my sight until I know what is going on between you and Hoby.”

Why did he get the feeling his words had been exactly what she’d wanted him to say?

He had a younger sister, who was three years older than Brooke. If thatlookhad ever been in A.J.’s eyes, Houston would want to find the man responsible. And beat him to within an inch of his life. No hesitation.

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