Page 19 of Day of the Storm

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In the arms of her brother’s best friend. She couldn’t think of a more perfect place on earth.

The farthest Thunder that I heard

Was nearer than the Sky

And rumbles still, though torrid Noons

Have lain their missiles by —

The Lightning that preceded it

Struck no one but myself —

But I would not exchange the Bolt

For all the rest of Life —


Emily Dickinson


She’d always despisedDetective Michael Evers. He was such a jerk.

Dr. Daryn Mabry had found him to be arrogant, rude, and an all-around jerk from the moment she’d first met him.

When she’d signed on as the assistant M.E. for the Finley Creek TSP and he’d been introduced to her, she’d had a hard time remaining professional.

She’d rememberedhim,all right.

This man and his partner had harassed her best friend and made Shelby miserable.

Something Shelby had not deserved and had yet to fully recover from.

What they’d did hadn’t been fair to Shelby—one of the nicest, kindest, quietest people Daryn knew—at all. Mike Evers and his partner, Sean Callum, had claimed they were just doing their jobs, given orders to solve the question of the mysterious drug that had originated in Finley Creek.

She got that. She truly did. She couldn’t work for the TSP if she hadn’t supported them and what they tried to do.

But since joining, she’d learned one thing—some of the TSP were arrogant assholes.

Callum and Evers had caused her best friend pain. And left traumatic memories Shelby still fought against. Memories Daryn had done her best to forget, too.

She’d thought she’d moved past it, but apparently not. Mike had shown up in her office today—she’d taken one look at him and her animosity had come rushing right back.

Maybe it was the arrogant look in his eyes when he stared at her. Even though he had beautiful eyes, really.

“So what’s your problem with me, Doc?” He always called her doc and repeatedly asked her what wasupwhenever he saw her.She had his measure. He was like a twelve-year-old butthead in a far too pretty body.

Mike Evers was one of the hottest men in the post. There were a lot of pretty men at the TSP, starting with the chief and working down the list to the rank and file.

She’d looked a time or two hundred. She was young and healthy and seriously unattached. What woman wouldn’t at leastlook?

Look, no touch.Ever.

Mike Evers thought he could do no wrong—either on the job, or with women. Daryn didn’t need a guy like that in her life. Period.

“I don’t have a problem with you, Evers. But there’s a procedure for what you’re asking. And you know it. I’m not risking my job because you are impatient.” And demanding and not above pushing for what he wanted.Just like he and his partner had done to Shelby.

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