Page 13 of Day of the Storm

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They were both safe.He hadn’t let himself think about what would happen if they hadn’t been able to get out. But now they had.

And he had things to do.

“Let’s get you to the hospital and get you checked out.”

“I’m fine. A shower wouldn’t hurt, though.”

She was as filthy as he was. “After the hospital, Autumn Jane. No arguing. And then…then we will talk.”

Her brother was there. “You ok? There’s blood on the back of your neck.”

He tried to take a closer look, but Sean waved him away.

“Took a knock to the head. But should be good. I’m taking your sister to the hospital now.” He would find a place to clean himself up, and then he’d do his job. And then, when this night was over, he and Autumn Jane would talk.

He looked back at her. “If you argue with me, I’m just going to carry you off to the nearest hospital. Probably County. I’m sure to find either of your parents there. Probably both.”

“No doubt.” A small hand came toward his face. A finger brushed his lip. “I’ll go. But I want you to get your head checked out, too.”

“Deal.” Sean said to hell with everyone around them. He pulled her closer and hugged her one more time.

He just needed to feel her close one more time.


The hospitalwhere her parents had worked her entire childhood—her father as an ER doctor and her mother as a radiologist—had taken a hit, too. But it wasn’t as bad as Finley Creek General.

She and Sean had walked there first, as it was closer to the TSP location.

Finley Creek General had lost the entire front annex, where the ER had once been.

And most of the windows on the south side of the building were gone.

County just had a damaged corner up near the roof and broken windows. And the portico in front of the ER where her father had worked as the head of trauma services had sheered right off. Parts of it were in the northern parking lot.

Just how bad the storm had been could be seen in every direction.

A. J.’s fingers tightened around Sean’s. He’d insisted on holding her hand the entire four block walk.

He’d assured her brother that he would see that she was taken care of tonight.

That he would not leave her.

To be honest, she’d rather have Sean with her right now than Mike.

There had been a connection forged between her and Sean in that rubble. She wasn’t lost to that.

He felt big and strong and sure and safe next to her.

A. J. needed that tonight.

They could have died so easily. In so many ways.

Daryn had told her she’d pulled three people from the rubble herself, with Mike’s help. People who hadn’t survived the storm.

People they all knew and liked. Including the detective who had once jumped A. J.’s car when she’d left the light on all day and drained the battery. He’d gotten her car started and waited until she’d driven off. Doing his part, he’d said, to keep her safe.

He’d had grandchildren and a family who adored him.

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