Page 36 of Swamp Kings 1

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“I am not my own—”

“Exactly,” he said. “You belong to God, yeah?”

Her nod brought her a foot deeper into her hole.

“Then you’re obligated to protect yourself too. Unless you think God wanted you to allow wicked people to hurt the innocent while you pray for their spirits?”

Mercy. She raised her gaze to his, needing to understand how he was managing it. Pushing her into a corner with such ease. A corner she had no escape from that she could see. She caught the barest smile on his mouth and the threat of such a thing happeningon his terrifying god-like face, further discombobulated her. What would such a thing look like?

“I think you’ve rendered her speechless,” Rex chuckled. “It’s just self-defense. He can teach you non-lethal moves if it makes you feel better.”

It finally came to her. The escape hatch. “I actually already know self-defense,” she said. “Before I joined the convent, I was a tomboy as you already know. But I gave all that up. Took a vow.” She remembered the Twelve’s vow of celibacy and hurried before stopping to think, “Like the vow you took.”

Before she could hope he missed her glaring mistake, Rex’s laugh filled the air. “That vow is no longer. Spar here is free. And then he got married. Was a quick death,” Rex lamented, slapping the man on the shoulder as those words bing-bong-bingged through her head like a pinball machine before the ball passed right through the paddles into theyou losezone.

She waited for the huge breath of relief then forced it out when it refused to come. If he was married, then it was surely not appropriate. Or maybe it was most appropriate. She was to be married to a soldier. Eventually. She’d put herself at the end of that line, wanting to enjoy her freedom for as long as she could. She just wanted to minister to the lost andbeing married to a… robot soldier would surely hamper that.

“Ask your superior,” Spar insisted, ending the debate in her head.


Fin found Elenore in the crowd and shot a line of power at her, lassoing her blood and turning her to him. The shock on her face doubled when their eyes met and he tugged the line, forcing her toward him. His power spread out to the bodies near her, latching on to veins and directing them away from her path as he drew her to him. The second she was in touching distance, he pulled her body into his and grabbed her stubborn jaw, giving her a kiss with his Finishing power. His tongue launched a war with hers, stabbing and slashing until her blood boiled withhisdesire.

“Do you feel that, Elenore?” he asked as he consumed her. “The heat in your blood?” He squeezed her jaw harder, drawing her whimper as he owned every crevice of her mouth. “I’m using my power on your beautiful body. And Idareyou to lie and say you don’tloveit andcraveit.” He took her lower lip between his teeth, his breaths shaking with dizzying need. “I’m taking you to our room and I’m becomingonewith you. And I hope with all that I am that you try to deny me.”

He lifted her in his arms and engaged his electromagnetic shield, cocooning them from any interruption as he headed for the coordinates he’d remotely entered into the Quantum King Nebula. He didn’t care a thing about social etiquette or the dozen eyes all over them or that he hadn’t gotten clearance for his actions and intentions. If he was in violation, his powers would stop him. This day he would end every burning question regarding the boundaries of their relationship. If there was a limit, his very DNA would tell him all about it. And once it did, he would Fetch, Fathom, and Finish ways around all of them should he so desire it. Because as of two days ago, the symbiotic powers between him and his brothers had completed. Andnoforce on earth could stop them from having what they deemed necessary to obtain. Especially not his female.

Even as his sexual announcement to her produced equal portions of arousal and terror, he fetched it was attached to her past. And he fathomed how to learn its details. Then it was all him. Finishing it. Finishingher. Only time and distance remained between him and what he needed to crush in her sweet spirit.

Once he had her inside their private room with the door locked and his powers anchored in her blood, he pointed to the sofa. “Sit, Elenore.”

Her entire vascular network clenched with adrenalin as she did as ordered. Fin stood before thecouch, readying his blood kinesis power to begin his persuasive interrogation. “I have questions for you, Elenore. And youwillanswer them.”


A sharp breath of dread blasted from Elenore’s mouth, bringing that burning agony to her beautiful husband’s face. Oh how he longed for her and she longed for him. She always knew she’d have to tell him but the longer she waited, the harder it got. And now she sat, strapped to the sofa by terror, tears streaming at what was finally coming. But she didn’t want him to use his powers to drag it from her because it was not what he wanted to do, and she never wanted to make him do anything that pained him! Ever!

“I will tell you!” she sobbed, wiping her face.

He stared at her then came to the sofa, kneeling before her. “Elenore,” he soothed, sending her flying into his immaculate body, clinging tightly.

“I don’t want you to know, I never want you to know!”

“I must know, my Little Heaven. So that I can Finish it.”

She shook her head in his chest. “There is nothing to finish, it’s already finished!”

“It haunts you,” he whispered. “And I will not have my little one haunted. Let me have it.”

“You can’t have it,” she swore, shaking her head. “And even if you could, I would never want it to touch you! It’s enough that it touched me, but not you, not the one I love more than my own life!”

Heat erupted in her veins and his mouth crashed down on hers, drowning her instantly in a dizzying bliss. God, yes, this was all she needed, all she ever needed. All the things that may haunt her were consumed by him. His unfathomable love and devotion. He healed whatever remained shattered in her. He’d already finished it. But when they would make love, he’d see it, he said he would! That cruel darkness, that horrific hell! How dare it reach into her life now and touch him?

“It isn’t fair,” she gasped as his mouth drew her blood to the surface of her skin everywhere he kissed. “You should never know such pain, or such wicked darkness.”

His mouth was back on hers, fingers trembling as he held her face. “My love,” he croaked, gliding his perfect lips on hers. “Do you not know… that I am born of darkness? It is your light that I should never know. I am the darkness of dark itself. It dreads my name. Just as I… dreaded the light.”

His words stole the breath from her very soul, filling her with shock and confusion. “What do you mean you dreaded… the light?” she gasped, covering her mouth. “Why ever would you?”

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