Page 33 of Swamp Kings 1

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After a moment, Kult divulged, “He means God.”

God. How interesting. Almost as interesting as how Kult knew that.Remind me to find out whathappened to our dear brother when he shook their Seer’s hand.

Is there something wrong with your cognitive recall?

No, it’s a figure of speech between two people who share everything but the one thing they actually want.

“Your air support is nearly here,” the boom-bat said two seconds before they heard it. Impressive.

“I’d happily tag along with you all,” Handy said, “but Kaphas needs to report to the infirmary for freaks. Maybe when we have that next meeting, I’ll let the Bat Lord know what his upgrades would bring.”

The man’s one eye lit up with the hidden gifts he seemed to have no clue about. “Why not tell me now?”

“Because it comes with a lengthy list of safety instructions. I can read people’s powersandtheir weaknesses and yourgiveafuck,mon frere, is quite broken when it comes to playing with your powers.”

He broke out in a shit eating grin as his Eveque eyed him. “Something we’ve been working diligently on, oui?”

The man grinned and nodded a lot. “Oui. I’ve exchanged all my dynamite for pop guns. I’m just a teddy bear stuffed with caramel these days.”

“Stuffed to the brim with bullshit,” his leader corrected, pulling out his phone then nodding at them. “See you all later. My Belle Eveque is calling.”

They watched them head out with Kult muttering, “His Belle Eveque.”

“Their leader is like us,” Fetch said.

“Agreed,” Fathom concurred.

“I’m sure I’ll agree tomorrow when I know what that’s like,” Fin added.

Huh. Handy wasn’t sure when he’d be able to know about that. Hopefully, real fucking soon.


Scarlett’s face literally hurt from all the smiling. Never ever, ever, had she been to such a place with wonderful kind people as these. Infants, toddlers, children and teens. Mothers and fathers, grandparents and great grandparents. All dancing and laughing and singing! She might imagine heaven in the swamps to look exactly like this. So much love and laughing! And she’d even danced! Once Sister Isla and Sister Rowan joined in, the rest of them followed. And songs made just for them were sung on a huge stage! They were stars of the party and it was as strange as it was wonderful.

Still catching her breath, she looked around and spotted a large group of children dancing near the group of tiny houses at the edge of the property.

Oh! She felt the front of her dress, encountering her little Welcome to the Kingdom gifts she’d packed in her apron and made her way toward them. Sister Isla said it wasn’t a day of ministry, but Scarlett very respectfully reminded her that all things, at all times, at all places belonged to the Lord. She graciously permitted her to bring one type of gift rather than her usual array. She always made a variety because every person was special. Not once had she ever felt the need to give the same gift twice even though she often had to, due to limited time and supplies. But since she’d come to live with the sisters at the Quantum Kings, she’d been abundantly blessed with every manner of crafting material she could ever dream of! She’d nearly spent every waking minute making holy trinkets infused with heartfelt prayers by which to impart the Lord’s love to the lost. The fact that she’d forgotten all about them was a testimony to the abundant spirit of love and peace in that place.

Well, they may notneedthe trinkets but maybe they’d like one.

Making her way through the crowd, she laughed at realizing the children were pairing off and dancing together in some kind of jig. How adorable!

A sharp yell of pain brought her to an instant stop as she searched between the little houses for the source. The flash of two bodies clashing in some kind of fight sent her racing toward them.

“Stop!” she yelled out, her words drowned by the crowd and band as she lifted her skirts and ran faster.

She made it to the edge of the two writhing bodies, shocked to see David and Goliath sized men, rolling around on the ground, shirtless! “You get off of him!” she yelled, right as the boy howled.

His agony brought a sick terror and she dove right onto the giant’s back and went banshee on him, wrapping her arms around his massive head, scratching and screaming with all her might.

“Ma’am! Ma’am!”

Scarlett’s eyes popped open to the smaller boy trying to loosen her grip on the giant, her scream finally reaching the end of the air in her lungs.

“He wasn’t hurting me, we were just practicing!”


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