Page 16 of Swamp Kings 1

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He lowered his head with a chuckle and the sound vibrated between her legs!

“Now that you know she’s fine you may return to the very opposite end of the boat. You have ladies in waiting.”

She sounded jealous!

“I’d rather sit here and make sure Celeste is okay. Kaphas asked me to watch over her.”

Celeste perked up and sat forward. “He did?”


His eyes were locked on Natasha still.

“Thank you,” Celeste said, sounding on the edge of a dream. “What an amazing gift to have.”

“I also have hearing gifts.” He added one of his irresistible sexy smiles right as her brain caught up to what that meant.

Heat crept up her neck and face while he made love to her body with only a gaze as her brain taunted her withHe loves that he is the most beautiful, most sexiest man on the planet.

“Do you like what you’re looking at?” Because opening her mouth and giving the square root of her disasters was the perfect solution.

“So very much,” he said, the heat in his words drawing a gasped moan from her lungs and a godawful shame.

“Then I guess I’ll have to leave!”

She shot up from her seat, tripping her way past three bodies before she realized how very stupid she looked. Managing to squeeze herself between two sisters standing at the boat rail was her final hail Mary.

“I’m sorry….” she heard him say behind her. “Excuse me.”

Was he…

She looked left, finding him in her peripheral vision headed her way.

Just remarkable.

She focused on the swamp and the crisp, wet air as her heart tried to beat free of her chest. He parked himself right behind her, gradually easing himself closer. It was so well done, she was sure not a single soul noticed he was now pressed into her side like a boa constrictor, strangling her slowly with an invisible lust and desperate need.

She stood there, white-knuckling the rail with her eyes closed, focusing on not making a sound as he had his way with her. This was no different than being forced. Forced to endure. Forced to give herself, to take what he gave. She kept repeating the offense as he did it to her right there in public with only his presence. Then he moved in for the kill, shefelt it without looking, his mouth coming for her. Hot breath fanned her ear first for many seconds, its own assault, its own wicked, glorious tease.

“I don’t know what you think you’re doing,” he said, his words so low, she could have thought them. “But whatever it is… has me on the verge of doing every, devious, delicious accusation that comes out of that lovely mouth. And now that I feel how much you want it…” he said, his unsteady breaths making its way to her clit where it danced with a slow, erotic pressure. “I am eager to give it…exactly… as you say.”

“Why are you doing this?”

Her words were barely heard even by herself, but it brought his mouth right up to her ear. “Because you crave it. And that pleasure… is all mine to answer.”

“You’remakingme crave it!” Natasha realized she’d half yelled the words and looked around. “This life, these…swamps,” she further gasped. “I can’t wait to help the families. Thank you for allowing us all to come. We’re so very happy to be here.”

The round of amens sucked a relieved breath from her as she prayed the ride would end soon.

“We’ll finish our conversation later,” he said quietly. “And you’ll tell me what has happened to bring you to these odds with me. Sadly, my gifts stop at mind reading.”

He pulled back and the sudden absence of his magnetism sent her sagging into the rail, her soul floundering. What wretchedly wonderful powers he wielded. It was so much worse than a sexual violation. This reached into her body and blood and soul. And beyond.


“Excuse me,” Kaphas said to Spar at seeing Fetch, Fathom and Fin all headed for him with an odd look on their faces. He leapt from the porch, every step their way bringing a heat to his Kevlar and low vibration in his blood from what it sensed.

All three stopped before him with Fetch front and center. “He asked for you.”

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