Page 18 of Silver Fire

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The curses of both men blistered her ears.

“Do you know he is under surveillance right now?” Braden demanded.

“Yes. But he is an old family friend, I can hardly ignore him.”

“What did he want?” Derek asked.

“He was offering me a place to stay.”

Derek and Braden exchanged glances.

“Look, speculate all you want. It’s no secret he wants my father’s research. He’ll have no access to it if I’m dead. So strike him of your list of suspects. You’re wasting your time,” Sophie said and added sarcastically, “It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.”

She stormed away and headed to her assigned room. Stephen followed her and grabbed her arm. “That was harsh.” His voice brimmed with mirth and pride.

“If they think they can order me around, they have another think coming,” Sophie said. “They may have all the brawn, but I hired AGS; I can also fire them.”

Thalia knocked on the door.

“Sorry for getting you yelled at,” Sophie told the female Guardian.

“Don’t worry. It was my fault really,” Thalia smiled, handed her the SAT phone and left the room.

Sophie sat on the bed and took off her shoes. Her feet were killing her from all that shopping. She called Christopher back.

“Sophie! What the hell was that all about?” Christopher demanded over the phone.

“An over-vigilant security team,” Sophie explained.

“Do you want me to come get you,” he offered. “Sweetheart, I have an army to keep you safe. Just say the word.”

Alarm bells sounded in her head, but she shook it off.

“Why don’t I take you out to dinner, sweetheart? You can bring Stephen and Beth if you like.”

“That sounds wonderful, Christopher,” Sophie replied. “I’ll have to clear it with my security team. Why don’t you call me tomorrow at the office?”

They spoke for a few more minutes before she hung up.

When she turned around, Derek was leaning against the doorjamb, observing her with a predatory gaze. Stephen had deserted her, that traitor.

“Alone at last,” Derek murmured.

“I don’t have time for your sexual innuendos, Lockwood.”

“I told you to call me, Derek.” He walked into the room, took the phone from her and pulled her up from the bed, holding her about six inches from his body, which was radiating serious heat. She could feel herself getting uncomfortably flushed—sexually aroused. “You know, Angel, that bed is so tempting right now, but I want to take it slow with you.”

“There’s no taking anything with me. Why can’t you accept that?” Sophie said angrily.

“I’ve told you I’ve had a taste of you, I want more,” Derek muttered, his eyes dropping to her mouth. Her lips involuntarily parted. “So here’s how it’s going to go. I know you’re clean. You haven’t had sex in thirteen years, am I right?”

“Of course I’m clean!” Sophie retorted indignantly.

Derek grinned. “You’re going on birth control.”

“Excuse me? I’ve already been since I was fourteen, but what gives you the right to dictate to me? Are you even listening to me? Nothing is happening between us.”

The infuriating man’s grin got wider as he continued talking over her. “I’m going to have myself checked out tomorrow to prove I’m clean. I never have unprotected sex, however, in this big town, there seems to be a misconception that I have the plague.”

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