Page 40 of Captive Lies

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“Update on security in thebrownstone?”

“We’re upgrading the motion sensors around the perimeter as well as the fifteen-foot fence, adding trip wires where needed. They’re installing surveillance cameras to all street traffic as we speak. We’ll be increasing personnel from three to six and adding hourly foot patrols. Interviews scheduled for thisafternoon.”

“And you think the brownstone is the safest forBlaire?”

Donovan inclined his head. “It’s in the city. Boston PD has a five to seven minutes response time to provide immediate backup. It’s the only property you have that has a panic room and anarmory.”

A movement at the door caught Grant’s attention. “Blaire, comein.”

To his benefit, Jake kept his expressionneutral.

Blaire rubbed her hands nervously. Grant extended his arm and pulled her into an embrace. She kissed his cheek and extricated herself from his hold. His brows furrowed as she moved away from him, clasping her biceps as she huggedherself.

“I need to face you all when I tell you my story,” Blaire said quietly. She looked at Jake. “Have you looked at the flashdrives?”

Jake nodded. “We’ve decrypted some of them, but I figured they’re mostly thesame.”

Blaire exhaled deeply and looked at Grant. “My real name is Paulina Antonova. My father was Maxim Antonov. He was the cleaner for the RussianMob.”

“Cleaner?” Grant brows drew together. “He’s the mob’shitman?”

“The ROC has a couple of assassins. My Papa was usually called to sanitize a crime scene or, if there was no time, he planted evidence to mislead theauthorities.”

“You said ‘was’.” He picked up on the loadedword.

“He’s dead,” Blaire stated flatly. “He took the blame when I killed the Vor’s son, Yuri Orlov. I did it in self-defense.”

Red hazed his vision for he knew in his gut why Blaire killed the boss’s son, but he kept his rage in check so she could get over this difficultpart.

“He wanted me to be his wife and, when I said no, he tried to force himself on me. He thought if he got me pregnant, I would have no choice. He already had one of my friends killed because he thought he was my lover. As loyal as Papa was to Mikhail Orlov, he loved me more. He also knew Yuri was unstable. It pained him to start gathering evidence against the Bratva, but it was the only way he could get usout.”

“The cleaner of the mob is one of its most trusted members,” Grant murmured. “I can see why Orlov wants his pound offlesh.”

“That’s where Liam Watts, formerly known as DEA Agent Lucas Myers, comes in, right?” Jake asked, opening the folder he had with him. Grant walked over to his desk and picked up a similarbinder.

She nodded. “Liam Watts was supposed to be Papa’s alias. When I killed Yuri …” Blaire’s face turned red, her eyes filled with tears. “Yuri broke into my apartment in Miami. There was a struggle but I managed to stab him in the ribs. His death wasn’t quick, but the wound was fatal. I called Papa. I didn’t know then that he was working with the DEA. He arrived with one of Orlov’s henchman and I thought …” Blaire inhaled on a sob. “I thought he chose the Orlov Bratva. My hurt was so deep, I couldn’t cry—I didn’t even say good-bye to him—I just looked at the ground and accepted my fate that I was going to die by Orlov’s hand.” Tears were streaming down Blaire’scheeks.

“Do you want to do this some other time, Angel?” Grantasked.

She shook her head and expelled a ragged breath. “I was in shock. I had just killed a man and my father gave me up to the ROC. It wasn’t until I noticed we were driving out of Miami that I wondered what was going on. Was the Bratva’s soldier going to kill me and dump my bodysomewhere?”

“It was Liam, wasn’t it?” Jakeinterjected.

“Yes,” Blaire confirmed. “He’d been undercover with the Orlov Bratva for three years at that point. His expertise lies in determining who can be turned. It didn’t take him long to work on Papa, what with Yuri’s interest inme.”

“Why do you still have all the evidence?” Grantasked.

“Killing Yuri messed up the DEA’s plans. There was no evidence that could be used to prosecute Mikhail Orlov, only his inner circle … especially his assassins. Liam’s boss reneged on his deal with Papa. Liam got pissed. A few days later, his boss and Liam’s entire team were founddead.”

“I heard about that,” Grant said. The news was about three years ago. DEA agents were found in a shallow grave in CiudadJuarez.

“I can shed light on that,” Jake interjected. He handed Blaire a file. “Appendix B. Liam’s team had been working in Mexico at that time. It appeared the ROC made a deal with the cartel to have them assassinated in exchange for more business. How about your father, Blaire? Are you certain he’s dead? There was no record of hisbody.”

Grant wanted to smack Jake for his insensitivity. His head of security was nothing but thorough and speculations were just that until physical evidence waspresented.

“I think she’s answered enough,” hegrowled.

“No, it’s okay,” Blaire whispered. Her eyes turned glassy again. She had just stopped crying, dammit. Grant glared at his security guy who flinched. “You have to understand, Jake, we’re talking about Florida. The swamps were used to get rid ofbodies.”

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