Page 33 of Saving Grace

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Matt was pissed-off for me, but as much as I appreciated him as a go-between, my boss was my problem. I put a calming hand on Matt’s arm.

Elliot noticed the gesture and squinted his eyes. “And you seemed to have taken advantage of her situation, Foster.”

“Why you—” Matt broke off angrily, straightening from the table, but I stood as well and grabbed his arm to hold him back.

“Mr. Holden … Elliot,” I addressed the other man quickly. If there was one thing I’d learned about Matthew Foster, it was he had a quick temper. I had no intention finding out if he could get physical because of it. My gut told me he could. “You can check with my attending physician and neurosurgeon at Atlanta General. I didn’t even know my name when I regained consciousness after the bombing. My memory is slowly returning. However, at the moment, I can’t remember anything in the past twelve years. I recall a smattering of my college life and flashes with my training at the DEA. There are also straggling pieces I can’t quite fit in a point in time.”

Elliot didn’t look happy. In fact, he looked downright troubled. I glanced at Matt who was intently scrutinizing my boss.

“Was I working on something?” I went out on a limb. “Did I have information you needed?”

My boss sighed in frustration. “I can’t talk to you about it in front of Foster.”

“You’re not talking to her without me either. You choose.”

Elliot jumped out of his chair and stepped away from the desk, waving his arm angrily at Matt. “What is this, huh, Grace? Why is Foster suddenly in your life? When did this happen?”

“He was there for me in Atlanta.”

“Did you ever ask yourself the question why he was desperately trying to look for you when the bombing happened?”

“You son of bitch,” Matt snarled. “Grace doesn’t need you messing with her head right now.”

Elliot laughed derisively. “What are you afraid of, Foster? That she’ll remember what a supreme jackass you were to her?”

“I…” my eyes darted between the two men. “I told you about M—”

“He was a jerk to you, Grace,” her boss cut in. “That’s why I came down here as fast as I could. God knows what he has planned to pay you back for Blood Bull.”

“I told her about Blood Bull, jackass,” Matt returned Elliot’s insult. “In fact, it’s you and I who have a score to settle.”

Elliot’s face paled.

“But not today,” Matt added.

“You told him classified information about the Blood Bull op, Grace?” her boss glared at her. “I could have you investigated and put under disciplinary action for this.”

“Was I in Misty Grove under your directive?” I asked and ignored Elliot’s threat.

“Yes, you were.”

“What was my task?”

Elliot glanced at Matt. “To report back on deLamar’s activities while undercover as an investigative reporter,” he said carefully. He raked his hands through his hair in frustration. “I don’t know if I should even discuss DEA affairs with you if you can’t remember anything.” His eyes bore into me. “Try, Grace. What do you remember when you were at the airport?”

Matt and I exchanged glances. We agreed not to mention the abduction.

“I was there to catch my flight, Elliot. Why is it important to you what happened? Shouldn’t the FBI be the one asking me these questions since the bombing falls under their turf?”

My boss schooled his expression, walked back to the chair, and sat. “There may be a link between the Carillo Cartel and ISIS. There are reports of ISIS training camps in Mexico.”

“What’s ISIS?” I asked, confused.

Elliot looked at me with genuine horror. “Oh, Grace. You really don’t remember?”

“You finally believe I have amnesia,” I stated dryly.

He inclined his head.

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