Page 32 of Big Bad Wolfe

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A blush scorched Jillian’s face. “Wow, I read about that operation. I’m impressed. So sorry, Mia, I didn’t mean to be rude. I don’t usually leap to hasty conclusions, but this custody suit has me stressed.”

“No problem.” Mia offered her one of two chocolate leather chairs in front of the teak desk. “People often underestimate me because of my appearance.” She shot Zane an impishly evil smile. “Don’t they, Zane?”

Still laughing, he transferred the bag to the floor and commandeered the chair beside Jillian. “Remind me to tell you how I ended up cuffed to the crapper in the Phoenix airport, gagged with my own tie. Miaannihilatedme.”

Jillian’s jaw dropped. She stared at the petite, immaculately groomed woman.“Youdid that? ToZane?”

“Poor Zane. At the time, he was an obstacle.” Mia strolled behind the desk and sat. Clear topaz eyes glinted. “I never let anything thwart my goals.”

Jillian’s vision not fogged by envy now, she saw the drive and determination in Mia McQuade’s steady, intelligent gaze. And something more. Understanding older than her years. The type of understanding born from deep pain. This woman wasn’t easily intimidated. Richard and Brooke had hired a shark, but Jillian suspected Mia might know a recipe for shark fin soup. “Persistence is an admirable quality.”

“Yeah, when she’s onyourside.” Zane leaned back in his chair. “Did you get all the info I faxed?”

“I did.” Mia pulled a file from the bottom drawer, laid it on the desk. Without warning, her face blanched ghostly pale, then turned greener than her dress. “Excuse me.” She leapt up and rushed into the adjoining room. Judging by the quick glimpse Jillian saw of blush-colored tiles before the door slammed shut, it was a bathroom.

Zane frowned. “Uh oh. Looks like someone else caught the bug from hell.”

While they waited for Mia’s return, Jillian studied the casual, comfortable office. Decorated in pastel pink, chocolate brown, and cream, the room didn’t look at all lawyerly. But the welcoming atmosphere suited its owner, as did the fragrant bouquet of deep pink roses and the Bugs Bunny tissue holder that adorned her desk.

Five minutes later, a shaky Mia emerged from the bathroom. Her cheeks were rosy with hectic color and dewed with fine perspiration. “Sorry, guys.” She tugged a Kleenex from tissue holder to blot her face.

Zane stood. “You’ve caught the flu. We can come back when you’re feeling better.”

Mia laughed. “Oh, I caught something all right, but it wasn’t the flu.”

The outer door flew open and a tall gorgeous hunk with collar-length black hair and striking cobalt eyes rushed in, huge cowboy boots surprisingly silent on the polished wood floor. He held out a frosty can. “Ginger ale, darlin’?” A strong hint of Texas flavored his deep drawl.

“How in the world do youdothat?” With a rueful grin, Mia accepted the soda, her hand lingering in a subtle caress on the man’s fingers.

The sizzling awareness arcing between the couple completely laid to rest her earlier suspicions about Mia and Zane. The diminutive attorney only had eyes for the ruggedly handsome cowboy, and vice-versa. The hunk shrugged his shoulders and flashed Mia a secret, intimate smile. “I just know.”

He swiveled, grinning at Zane. “Wolfe!” He swept Zane into a back-thumping hug. “About damned time.”

To Jillian’s surprise, Zane not only didn’t scorn the hug, but also returned the embrace. “Yeah, never a dull moment when playing hide-and-seek with terrorists.” He gestured to her. “Jillian Ramsay, this is Dallas McQuade. My oldest and most obnoxious friend. We met playing college football and baseball, and went on to work many a case together. Dallas used to be DEA. When he hooked up with Kick-Ass here, he went exclusive with his civilian security business.”

“I couldn’t bear to leave her for months at a time,” Dallas said. He grinned. “Besides, it’s my duty to the residents of the fine state of Oregon to keep my wife out of trouble.” He enfolded Jillian’s fingers in his huge, warm hand, his touch gentle. “Pleasure to meet you, ma’am.”

“Nice to meet you, too, and call me Jillian.” She couldn’t help but mirror his smile. The rough, tough warrior was obviously a pussycat with the ladies, especially his wife. “I take it congratulations are in order?”

“Yep.” Beaming with masculine pride, Dallas slid his arm around Mia.

Zane propped a hip on the desk and crossed his arms. “Did I miss something again?”

“Men!” Mia poked Dallas in the ribs with her elbow and smoothed the front of her dress, revealing her slight baby bump. “I’m pregnant, Zane.”

Zane blanched. “Good Lord, you’re going to unleash your offspring on this unsuspecting world?” He groaned. “With three McQuade sisters and six McQuade nieces, you can bet your last, strung-out nerve it’s a girl. A little wildcat with claws as sharp as her mama’s.”

“Watch it, Feebie,” Dallas growled in mock outrage. “I can still take you down, on or off the field.”

Zane’s easy grin transformed his handsome face to stunning. “Maybe in your dreams, pretty boy.”

Happiness wreathed Jillian’s heart. So, the wary Wolfewascapable of trusting someone enough to drop his guard. This relaxed, good-humored Zane was an entirely different man from the closed-off stoic.

Zane’s skin tingled and he turned to see Jillian’s gaze fixed on him, watching him with affectionate amusement. Her glance caught his, and heated awareness leapt in the violet depths. He swallowed hard.

How didonelook from those warm velvet eyes stagger him?

Mia gave Dallas a playful shove. “Okay, enough jaw-flapping, cowboy. Pull up a chair and let’s get to work.”

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