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Even as I told myself this, I knew it was too late. Jenna had already woven herself into my nearly every thought, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t shake her loose.

But I was going to have to.

For more than just Jenna’s sake.

For my daughter’s too.

When the spaghetti was finally ready, the three of us sat down at the table together.

Dinner was a quiet affair, at least on the surface. Bella chattered away about her latest debate team victories, her voice full of enthusiasm as she launched into one of her stories. I nodded along, making the appropriate sounds of interest, but my attention kept wandering to Jenna.

She had changed out of her swimsuit into a simple light pink sundress, her tanned skin gorgeous against the color and her hair still slightly damp from the pool. Every time she laughed at something Bella said, a pang of something sharp and unwelcome twisted in my chest.

I tried to keep my focus on my daughter, but my eyes kept drifting back to Jenna, watching the way she pushed a strand of hair behind her ear or the way she brought a bite of food to her lips.

Or the way her eyes occasionally caught mine.

“Are you even listening, Dad?” Bella’s voice cut through my thoughts, bringing me back to the present.

I blinked, realizing I had missed whatever she had just said.

“Sorry, sweetheart. What was that?” I asked, trying to remember whatever it was that she was talking about.

“I said there’s a party this weekend. A bunch of people from school are going,” Bella repeated, giving me a suspicious look. “Jenna and I are thinking about going.”

Jenna glanced at me, then quickly looked away, focusing on her plate.

“Yeah, it should be fun,” she added, though her tone was less enthusiastic.

I felt a pang of jealousy at the thought of Jenna surrounded by young men that were her age and full of potential, vying for her attention. The rational part of my brain knew I had no right to feel this way, but it didn’t stop the surge of possessiveness that flared up anyway.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” I asked, trying to keep my tone neutral. “You two just got back from school. Maybe you should take it easy this weekend.”

Isabella rolled her eyes. “Dad, we’re not kids. We can handle a party. Besides, it’s a good chance to catch up with everyone before the summer really starts.”

The uneasy feeling rolling through me wouldn’t subside. Bella had a good point. The two of them were sophomores in college now and I couldn’t control them anymore. If they wanted to go to a party, who was I to stop them?

I glanced at Jenna, who was carefully avoiding my gaze now. “What do you think, Jenna? Are you looking forward to it?”

She shrugged, still not meeting my eyes. “I guess so. It could be nice to see everyone again.”

Isabella grinned. “See? It’s settled then. We’ll go and have a great time.”

I forced a smile, but inside, I felt a mix of worry and frustration.

Dinner continued, but I barely tasted the food. Every time Jenna spoke, my heart ached a little more. I tried to remind myself I had no place in her life beyond being Bella’s father. But as the evening wore on, the truth became harder to ignore.

After dinner, as we cleared the table, Bella excused herself to call a friend, leaving Jenna and me alone in the kitchen. The silence between us was too heavy and I couldn’t take it any longer.

“Jenna,” I began, my voice low and serious. “About the party?—”

She looked up at me, her hazel eyes wide and searching. “Yes?”

I hesitated, searching for the right words. “Just… be careful, okay?”

Her expression softened, and for a moment, I saw something in her eyes that mirrored my own feelings. “I will, Vincenzo. But you don’t have to worry about me.”

I wanted to say more, to tell her how much she meant to me, but I knew it wasn’t the right time, not that it would ever be.

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