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Instead, Vanth made tea and sandwiches and tried to process what he had learned in the last few days and puzzle out the weird magic Lazarus was doing.

By the time Elektra came out of the bathroom, Vanth had set everything out on the table and was waiting for her. She was wearing his faded Tenacious D shirt, the bottom knotted in one corner, and a pair of his black boxers.

She still had the patches on her wounded leg, but she must have bathed because she no longer smelled of river weed. Her scent was sweet and sexy, and he wanted to bury his nose into the fire of her hair. He remembered how her soft skin felt on her calves and thought about what it would taste like.

Vanth stared at Elektra silently for a minute, all worries of his parentage and Lazarus and the Veil disappearing under the burning lust that punched into him.

"What? Did I miss mud? I found some in my ear of all places," she said, sitting down at the table.

"No. It's just weird seeing someone wear my clothes. Can you keep an eye on Mom? She's drifted again, and I need to get rid of mud too," he blabbed, his hands starting to shake.

"I'll watch her." Elektra's gray eyes turned suspicious. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Vanth stared at the firelight dancing on her curls. "No, I'm really not," he said and hurried towards the bathroom before he gave into his irrational instincts to drag her off and fuck her senseless.

In the bathroom, his bag was next to the iron tub, and he shut the door behind him, careful not to slam it. He could smell Elektra's scent in the small room, and his whole body burned.

He didn't know if his attraction to Elektra was fae instinct or something else, but he really hoped she hadn't seen the bulge in his wet jeans. He shouldn't be having that kind of response to her scent. He shouldn't be thinking about her in that way at all. His world was burning down, and all he could think of was getting her naked and under him.

Vanth's hands shook as he stripped off his muddy jeans, breathing a sigh of relief as his full erection sprang free and his piercings stopped digging into his zipper.

He turned on one of the shower taps, and it came out ice cold. Perfect. He stepped under the spray and tried to will the fire in his veins to disappear.

It had to be some kind of stress reaction, he lied to himself. He barely knew her. It wasn't like him to ever feel out of control.

The cold water wasn't helping, so Vanth reached for his dick. The first stroke had him biting down a moan. He couldn't remember being this horny or his dick so sensitive. He jerked himself again, fingers tugging against the bars through his end.

"Fucking hell," he whispered. He tried to summon enough embarrassment to be ashamed of himself, but it felt too fucking good.

Vanth imagined Elektra on her knees before him, full lips and wicked tongue moving over him. Her husky voice whispered dirty things through his imagination, and within a minute, he was coming so hard, he had to put his other hand on the wall to stop himself from toppling over.

He rested his burning forehead against the cold wall as a phantom Elektra whispered in his ear, "Good boy."

There wasn't a single thing about it that wasn't totally fucked. He needed to get his shit together, not lose it over a pretty girl because he hadn't been laid in months.

"Stress reaction," he told his bedraggled reflection in the bathroom mirror. Steam was rising off his skin despite the straight cold shower. That was new. He stared into his dark eyes, "You are so fucked."


Elektra studied Eiline by the fire and tried to feel out the curse that was affecting her mind. It was like tentacles moving through her head, shutting down and protecting some parts but not others. It was an intentional madness.

Vanth came out of the bathroom, looking slightly more relaxed than when he went in. Elektra couldn't imagine how hard it must be for him. She knew where she came from and who her family was. To go from thinking that he had no one to have his whole world shaken… Elektra hated putting him through it.

"Feeling better?" she asked.

"As good as I can be." Vanth sat down on the warm stones next to the fire. His long black hair was a ruffled mess he was methodically attacking with a comb. "Any changes with Mom?"

Elektra's hand itched to touch his hair. She clenched her fist tight. "Not that I can tell. I have been trying to study the nature of the curse. It's protecting parts of her brain, and I think it's those parts that we need."

"Fuck," Vanth muttered, attacking a knot. "I had a theory once that she had put the curse on herself, but I could never finda reason why she would. Do you think this has something to do with Orcus?"

Elektra reached over and took the comb from him. "Let me. You're going to hurt yourself in this mood and make the knots worse."

Vanth passed her the comb and turned his back to her. "I can't understand why she never told me about him."

The hurt in his voice was like a stab in Elektra's heart. At the temple, everyone tended to hide their emotions and get on with the job. There were partners and friends, but Elektra had never been a part of any close cliques. Vanth had become her friend in the blink of an eye, and suddenly, she cared too much.

"If I had to guess, I think your mother put the curse on herself to ensure that if Lazarus ever found her again, he wouldn't be able to get the information about the Veil from her. Your mother had worked with Orcus to fix the breach the first time around. Because it was broken once in that place, it's possible that Lazarus wants to use that weakness to open again. I don't know much more than that. The high priestess, Maria, who told me that much, died before she could tell me the rest," Elektra explained softly.

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