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"I'll figure out how you can repay me later when I'm not nervous that something else is going to jump out to try and eat us."

"I don't know, it makes things interesting." Elektra removed her hand and hurried to catch up to his mother, only slightly limping on her wounded leg.

Vanth didn't know what to do with the worry and panic for her that were suddenly smashing into his heart. He really fucking hoped that it was some primal instinct that he had never encountered before.Fucking fae genes.

Time didn't seem to make any sense in the forest. One moment, they were in startling morning sunshine, and the next, twilight gloom.

Eiline was almost jogging in her haste to get to her father's house. Vanth didn't know how he could help her counter the madness that was threatening to come back. He could only do his best to keep up and watch over them.

It was getting dark when the smell of blood hit his sensitive nose and tongue. No, not blood.Iron.

The loud bang of hammer against steel rang through the trees, and Eiline started running.

Vanth felt a ward trigger with a magical warning as he stepped through it, and a house appeared between the trees. Smoke was rising from a building next to it, and the biggest fucking fae he had ever seen stepped out from amongst the shadowy interior. He had dark brown hair that hung in a messy braid and a gray-flecked beard. He carried a hammer and looked ready to bash in heads until he spotted Eiline. She threw herself into his arms, uncaring of the sweat and soot that covered him and his apron.

"Athair!Athair!" she said as he lifted her up and squeezed her.

"My little flower. You've finally come home. Who are the kids?" he asked, his voice a husky grumble. He studied Vanth with a face similar shaped to his own.

"That's Elektra. She's a reaper. This is Tarael. He's your grandson," Eiline said and then promptly burst into tears.

The smith stared at Vanth, and they both said at the same time, "Well, fuck."


"Eiline Brokkr, you didn't tell me you were pregnant last time I saw you," Vanth's grandfather snarled, giving Eiline a hard stare.

"If I had, you would have never let me leave!" she said, defiantly putting her hands on her hips despite her tears.

"Damn straight, I wouldn't have! Now you have a curse on you as well? By Weyland, I taught you better," he roared.

Vanth stepped between them. "I don't give a fuck who you are. You don't get to shout at her that way. Now, back off, old man."

The smith was a good foot taller than Vanth, but he still stepped back and threw up his hands. "Bah! I'm going back to the forge to hit something." He stormed away, leaving them standing in the garden.

"It's okay. Let Grandpa Flynt cool down a little. He will come around. Are you hungry?" Eiline said, like nothing was wrong, and hurried inside the cottage.

Vanth let out a frustrated groan. "This is just great."

"It could be worse. You should see my family," Elektra commented from beside him.

"Least you know they exist. I had no idea about my fatherormy grandfather." Vanth wanted to go and sit in a dark room for a long time.

Elektra nudged him with her shoulder. "You won't get your answers standing out here and pouting."

"I'm not pouting," he lied, and Elekra's smile widened. Gods, she was pretty even after a dip in the river. He reached up and pulled a soggy leaf out of her red hair.

"Are you always this much trouble, Vanth?" she asked.

Vanth didn't have to think about it. "Yes. Usually, it's not family stuff, but I always seem to have someone trying to kill me for one reason or another. Or people are trying to drag me into their fights as an ally."

"I suppose it's better than being boring. Come on, let's find some tea. I'm cold, and these wet jeans are chafing where I shouldn't be chafed."

"I have a balm for that if you need a helping hand."

Elektra smirked. "Do you always flirt this much?"

"Do you, princess?" Vanth pulled another leaf from her hair. "If it's bothering you, tell me to stop, and I will."

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