Page 39 of Five Alarm Kiss

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His lips curled into a slow grin.

“You were!”

So fucking cute.

“What was number six?” he asked, knowing damn well it had to have been kissing him, judging from the pink brightening her cheeks. Suddenly, he was a huge fan of this list.

Laurel went back to fidgeting with her straw, causing him to shift in his seat. Thank God, it wasn’t one of those bendy ones.

“Thatwas number six,” she insisted.

He wasn’t buying it. “You sure about that?”

Laurel nodded. It wasn’t convincing.

“What other things are on it?” Emery asked.

Amazing how quickly Laurel jumped at the chance to avoid number six.

“Stupid stuff,” she said. “Like eating a raw oyster…” She picked up a strand of blue hair, then let it drop back onto her shoulder. “Dying my hair.”

Jake chose not to out her about the initial yellow color. “I’m guessing zip lining was on there too.”


Emery shuddered. “I couldn’t do that.” She was deathly afraid of heights.

“I’ve already done six,” Laurel said. “So, I only have four more left.” She started counting them off on her fingers. “Bungee jumping…”

“Oh, hell to the no!” Emery looked like she was going to hurl on the spot.

“Yeah, I’m trying to get out of that one. No way I’d ever be able to make myself jump off of a perfectly good bridge to my impending death.”

“Don’t do it,” Emery insisted. “Tell them to screw it and don’t do it.”

Laurel laughed. “If they don’t pick something else, I probably will.”

“Definitely do!” Emery said. “I’m afraid to ask, but what else is on the list? And please don’t say skydiving or I might need a stretcher.”

“No way in bells would I ever do that!”

Jake smiled at her choice of expletives. He’d yet to hear her outright swear.

“Let’s see…” Laurel tapped each finger as she counted in her head. “Axe throwing, and an impromptu road trip.”

“How can it be ‘impromptu’ if you know you’re going to do it?” Gage asked.

“Thank you! But, at least, that’s a tame one, so I’ll take it.”

“That’s only three,” Jake pointed out.


“Three,” Jake repeated. “You said you had four things left to do, but you only listed three.”

Laurel froze, like if she didn’t move, no one could see her. “N-no, I didn’t.”

Yeah, that was convincing.

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