Page 18 of Five Alarm Kiss

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He pointedly looked at the rainbow of crayons white-knuckle-clutched in her hand.

Okay, maybe she didn’t look it, but she wasn’t scared. She was aroused.

“Did you need something?” she asked, trying her best to sound professional. Even if she’d somehow managed it, she was pretty sure sitting on her butt on the vinyl floor of her classroom ruined that illusion.

A ghost of a grin tugged at the corners of his mouth.

When he lifted a hand, Laurel pulled back, knocking her head against the desk in the process. She automatically reached to rub the back of her head—even though it didn’t hurt—the same time his fingers twirled around the blue streak in her hair.

“I like this better.”

“Than the pie?” The instant the words left her mouth, she blanched.

Oh, fudgesicles! Why did I say that?

She really didn’t want him to recall how awful she’d looked.

Jake’s eyes captured hers. “I never said pie,” he told her, absently lowering his hand, letting the lock of hair sift through his fingers as his knuckles brushed down her neck.

She shivered, despite the fact she was quickly overheating… especially when he moved a fraction of an inch closer.

Tell him to move. Push him back. Something!

His gaze dropped to her lips. “But it is one of my favorite desserts.”

Jake leaned forward the last few inches and pressed his lips to hers. She balked slightly, even though it shouldn’t have been a surprise. He’d moved closer, and he’d been staring at her mouth. But he was every woman’s fantasy come to life, and she?—

He traced the seam of her lips with his tongue, and her thoughts scattered. She opened for him before she even realized what she was doing.

He took advantage, threading his hand through her hair and sliding his tongue against hers. She felt the metal indent behind her when he deepened the kiss, pushing her against the desk as he moved closer. She dropped the crayons to wrap one handaround his arm, while the other rested on his chest. His heart was beating as frantically as her own, which turned her on even more. Kissing her affected him. It was the most powerful feeling she’d ever experienced.

When his free hand moved to her calf, then slid under her skirt to a little past her knee, a ripple of heat from the contact continued up to the apex of her thighs.

A loud “Ah-hem” shattered the magic, dumping the proverbial bucket of ice water onto the moment.

Laurel jerked back, hitting her head on the desk again, and shoved Jake’s hand away.

Her co-worker, Amy, was standing in the doorway. “If you want to get fired, keep doing that,” she said with an amused grin. Her appreciative gaze traveled over Jake’s backside. “Though, it would be worth it.”

When Jake turned to see who it was, Amy’s eyes widened.

“Jake,” she said, apparently recognizing him.

Jake paused a second before saying, “Hi…”

“Amy.” She sighed. “My name’s Amy.”

Jake flashed a smile. “Nice to see you again, Amy,” he said, charm personified.

“See you again?” They know each other?

With a small shake of her head and a dubious grin, Amy addressed Laurel. “I’ll go ahead and close this for you.” She started to pull the door shut, then quickly stuck her head back inside. “Carry on,” she said, before shutting the door completely.

When the latch clicked into place, Jake lifted Laurel’s chin with a finger. “Where were we?” He moved in for another kiss, but she turned her head. His lips grazed her ear.

Confused by the exchange between Amy and Jake, and thoroughly embarrassed at having been caught kissing him, Laurel flushed from her chest to her ears. She pushed against the immovable brick wall impersonating a man in front of her.“We’re in my classroom.” Goosebumps erupted along her skin as the realization of what she’d done barreled into her like a wave decimating a sand castle. “Oh, my goodness! We’re in myclassroom!”

What was wrong with her?

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