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She’d become so adorably flustered, especially when she felt my hardness beneath her.

“You’re so perfect, Little Doll,” I whispered as Thistle let out a moan and wriggled against me.

When she was tense, fingers digging into my shirt as she desperately tried to hide her body’s reaction, I turned it off.

She released a frustrated huff, and I had to hold her up as I stood, my hand curled around her waist. I enjoyed the way she clung to me, blinking the daze from her eyes.

I was ready to be alone with her and reap the rewards of how utterly turned on she was.

I almost managed to depart without being accosted, but right by the door, I caught the unpleasant scent of stale faux leather.

Rodrick Banner was in his mid-thirties, a towering Alpha with short auburn hair, a tank-like build, and a nasty jagged scardown his neck and chest that had been there since the first time I’d seen him.

He stepped in my way, grey eyes fixed on the two of us. “Knox,brother,” he drawled with a nod that might be civil, if that word he’d chosen wasn’t a threat in itself.

I took a breath, steeling myself to stay civil despite the urge I always felt when I was near him: to tear his jaw clean from his face.

I nodded expectantly, not wanting any conversation with him to go on longer than it needed. He was handsome-ish if you squinted hard, but I knew Bella had chosen him for far more than looks.

The Alpha before me was a sadist with the sickest of desires that made him her favourite. My hackles rose at the idea ofmyOmega being within feet of him.

Thistle, to her credit, had been following my rules perfectly, and she kept her eyes on the marble at our feet as Banner examined her.

I noticed his gaze linger on the faintest scratch of a bite I’d left on her neck, even if it clearly wasn’t enough of one to be a bonding bite.

“A pretty catch,” he said, eyes flicking to me for a response I had to beat back violently. It’s why he was here: to get a gauge on Thistle. There was no other reason this Alpha was here tonight other than because Bella had sent him.

“What do you want, Banner?” I asked.

His half-smile was stiff, and he reached out as if to examine Thistle closer.

I caught his wrist, my voice icy. “Touchmy Omega, and Bella can spend the night fishing your corpse from the pond.”

I didn’t miss the way Thistle had gone tense, downcast eyes sliding my way as if she wasn’t sure what to expect.

“YourOmega.” He played with the words like he was trying them out on his tongue as he drew his hand back. I heard the faintest trace of his Eastern European accent I’d never been able to pin down. “Not just a pet? But then—no pet would cost such a fortune.”

I snorted. “Is that what it is? Everyone’s wondering if I’m going to have a bite?” I let a truly nasty grin take over my expression. “I wasn’t aware my bid would cause such panic over my intentions.”

His eyes were frigid and infuriatingly impassive. “You’ve never bid so high before.”

I took a breath, warding off nightmares long past.

The screams were endless, and I didn’t know where they came from anymore.

I’d been stripped from flesh to soul. I’d never known until it was ripped from me what it meant to be an Alpha.

To hear endless agony.

To wish for death upon the one you should be able to protect.

To be able to do nothing…

I cleared my throat, knowing the last thing I needed was to let this piece of trash get a rise from me. “I’ve never been presented with such a high-profile prize.”

“And…?” Banner asked. “Was it worth it? Has she spilled on Maverick’s fate?”

I raised my eyebrows as if the notion that I would tell him was the most ridiculous thing I’d heard. It’s what I’d done throughout the night every time that question was asked. “Tell Bella,” I said instead, “that I don’t belong to her, and if she continues to challenge that—” I tugged Thistle closer by thechain, my hand curling around her neck. “—I might just be pushed to make the evidence permanent.”

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