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He held me closer than any Alpha had held me before, and the little mewl of pleasure I let out as his touch curled into my core sounded foreign to my ears.

Almost instantly my eyes fluttered closed, and the world faded away, my weary mind whispering lies of safety in a world made of nothing but sharp edges.



There was no TV show or movie on the planet that could distract me from the nightmare on my phone right now.

She was upstairs—myscent match was upstairs.

And he was…Fuck.

I turned the TV up, trying to focus on it. Going up there, showing him that I cared—it would do nothing but get her hurt.

More hurt.

What if she’s not hurt at all? What ifshe is begging for him?

That picture hadn’t looked like begging.


But would Irathershe was miserable?

I fucking hated myself.

Her cheeks had been flushed, and the gun had been glistening…

I shouldn’t have stared so fucking long, it had screwed with my brain.

She wasn’t my business.

Keep my hormones in check. Keep my reactions in check. Don’t let him know how much I cared.

Yet, I couldn’t drag my mind from the picture—my brink-of-feral fucking hindbrain was restless.

Knox was pure fucking evil, but if I jerked off to that photo, Satan would manifest in my room right now to fast track me to hell.

So of course, I ended up in a cold shower that wasn’t doing itsfuckingjob.


I was going to hell, anyway.

And it wasn’t like she would ever be allowed to meet me.

I was cracking—one week out of a rut I hadn’t burned through properly, with a muzzle still strapped to my face, and the creeping threat that always lurked, tightening its hold on me. I was never more than two steps from going completely feral, and that was myfuckingscent match up there.

I slammed my forehead into the hard shower wall, trying to contain my fury, then snarled, pain shooting through my jaw as the movement caught the muzzle.

There were so many goddamned urges in my head.

Smashing his door down and snapping his fucking neck for touching her.

My fist balled, breathing heavy.

I wanted her.

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