Page 25 of Trusting Thorn

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Damnit to hell.

Blowing out a breath, I put on another fake smile and reluctantly turn around. “Yes, Dr. Reynolds?”

He closes the distance between us, standing much closer than is professionally acceptable. “You were gone for quite a while. I hope everything is alright?”

“Oh, yeah, everything's fine,” I answer, taking a small step back. “I just had some vacation time that I had to use up.” There’s no way in hell I’m telling him about my house.

His eyes narrow slightly. “I see. Well, I'm glad you're back. The floor isn't the same without you.” I can't tell if his comment is meant as a compliment or not considering the creepy-as-hell smile, he forces after the fact.

“Thank you, Dr. Reynolds. That’s very kind of you. If you'll excuse me, I need to grab lunch before my break is over.”

As I turn to leave, his hand shoots out, wrapping around my wrist. “Actually... I was wondering if you'd like to grab dinner sometime. To discuss your career trajectory.”

My eyes drop to his hand and as if just realizing he was touching me, he jerks it away. I put another step between us as I carefully decline, “I appreciate the offer, Dr. Reynolds, but I don't think that would be appropriate. If you have any concerns about my work, we can discuss them during my performance review.”

His face darkens but just as fast he schools his features, and the angry expression is gone. “Of course. Another time, perhaps.”

Not on your life, buddy.

Before he has a chance to say anything else, I spin around and practically run to the break room.

Once inside, I put my back to the wall and will my racing heart to slow.

"Oak?" Harley's concerned voice breaks through my panic. "Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost."

I shake my head and raise my hand as I attempt to brush it off. "It's nothing."

"This doesn't look like nothing, sweetie. What's going on?" I lift my head and can tell by the determined look on her face that she's not going to let this go.

Dropping my arm to my side, I let out the heavy breath I'm holding. "It's Dr. Reynolds."

Harley's face turns to stone. "What did that creep do now?"

"He asked me to dinner," I say, moving to sit down at the table beside her. "To discuss my 'career trajectory'," I say, using finger quotes.

“That's bullshit,” Harley spits out. “It was obvious the first day I started here that he had a thing for you. I'm telling you this as your friend, you need to report him to human resources.”

I sigh, running a hand through my hair. “And say what? That he makes me uncomfortable? He hasn't exactly done anything against hospital policy that would get him reprimanded.”

“He keeps asking you out,” she reminds me.

I know that, but he's the kind of asshole who would deny it, then turn around and make me out to be the bad guy. “It would be my word against his. Who do you think they’re going to believe? A respected doctor or a nurse.”

“Don't let that asshole make you feel small, Oakland. Don’t do that.”

I smile weakly. “Thanks, Harley. I just don't want to rock the boat. I need this job.”

“I know,” she says softly. “But make me a promise- if he does anything else, you’ll report it to human resources.”

“I promise.”

Hours later as I’m walking to my car, I pull out my phone and dial Thorn's number.

“Hey, beautiful,” comes his deep voice through the speaker, and instantly my shoulders relax and much of the tension from the day falls away. “How was your first day back?”

I hesitate for a moment, not exactly sure how much I should tell him about my earlier interaction with Dr. Reynolds. If there’s one thing I’ve noticed over the last two weeks, it’s that Thorn doesn’t like it when I’m upset. “It was... okay.”

It’s not entirely a lie.

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