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He looked at me, his expression softening. He had been avoiding my eyes all day. I knew he was trying to keep it together, to be supportive, but now that our eyes met, I could see it—he was struggling. It made my stomach twist with guilt.

“Hey,” I said, stepping closer to him. “You good?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just feels weird, you know? Packing up your stuff. It feels like we’re taking a step back even though I know we aren’t.”

“I know,” I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. “I’m excited for the new place but it’s hard leaving here. I’ve gotten really comfortable with having you around, but it has been a goal of mine to live by myself. I need to do this for myself.”

He nodded, his hands still fiddling with the cord. “I get it. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck seeing you go.”

I felt a lump forming in my throat. “I’m not really going anywhere, you know. It’s just a few floors up.”

“Yeah, but it’s different,” he said quietly, finally setting the cord down. “I’ve gotten used to you being here; waking up together, falling asleep together, all of it together.”

I reached out and took his hand. “We’re still us. It’s just an adjustment. For both of us. I’ll still be over here plenty of nights, and you will be over at my place as well.”

He squeezed my hand and pulled me into a hug. “Yeah.”

I hugged him back, resting my head against his chest. “Just, I need to leave my comfort zone and learn more about myself before we can take the next step.”

He didn’t say anything, just held me a little tighter. It wasn’t an easy moment, but it felt like we were on the same page, even if that page wasn’t exactly a happy one.

We got back to work packing up the rest of my stuff.Ryan and Casey would be helping us carry everything upstairs so it needed to be organized.

I chuckled as I handed him one of the vacuum-sealed bags with plushies. “I swear, these things multiply. I don’t remember buying this many at the convention. Then again, I keep getting more sent to me.”

“And you keep buying more as well; not all of them were gifts,” he smirked. “Maybe you should think about downsizing the collection.”

I laughed, nudging him. “Not going to happen. I think you’re just tired of them falling on your head and tripping over them.”

“Maybe,” he teased, taking the bag from my hands.

By the time we finished packing, there were only a few boxes left to carry up, and a few bigger items. Ryan and Casey showed up right on time, looking a bit awkward around each other. They must’ve run into each other on the way up. I’d been picking up on some weird vibes from Casey, but I didn’t push it. I had enough on my plate these days, if it was something she would’ve told me.

“Alright,” I said, clapping my hands together. “Who wants to help me lug these boxes up to the twelfth floor?”

Casey and Ryan exchanged glances, and I swear I saw a hint of a smile from Casey. “I’ll grab the plushies,” she said, picking up the box and nodding for Ryan to follow her.

Ryan hesitated for a moment but then followed her out with a box in his hands. I watched them go and I had to admit I was curious about what was going on between those two.

Alex stood beside me and massaged my shoulders, pulling me close. “Ready to finish this?”

I nodded, leaning into him.

Once we had all the boxes organized, we started the trek up to the twelfth floor. Alex insisted on carrying the heaviestone and I let him. I knew it made him feel better to do something useful, especially since he wasn’t saying much.

Casey and Ryan had taken the first load up; the box of plushies and my Red Bull mini-fridge. When we reached the twelfth floor, I noticed them standing outside my door talking in hushed voices. Casey had her arms crossed, but there was a softness in her stance I hadn’t seen earlier. Ryan looked a bit sheepish, his usual cocky demeanor nowhere to be found.

Alex shot me a look that said,you seeing this?

I just shrugged.Leave them alone, they’re grown-ups.

When we got closer they both straightened up. Casey gave me a small smile and gestured to the door. “I’m so ready to see your new place, Em! You said the pictures didn’t do it justice.”

I nodded, taking a deep breath. “Yeah, trust me, it's great.” I pulled out the key from my pocket.

“I hope my back recovers from lugging the fridge all the way here,” Ryan complained.

I laughed. “Your sacrifice won’t be forgotten, Ryan.”

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