Page 159 of Kingmakers, Year Four

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“Ozzy was in love with Chay from the moment he laid eyes on her. Chay took a little more convincing.”

We all laugh.

“But I think it’s clear to see that no couple could be more excited to finally tie the knot. Ozzy, you’re damn lucky to have this girl. And Chay, no one will ever be more devoted to you than my son. I know the two of you will never be bored together. And god help anyone who stands in your way!”

Before he can give the order, Ozzy seizes Chay, bends her backward, and kisses her as if he’s waited years to do it.

We all whistle and cheer, Caleb Griffin throwing handfuls of rainbow-colored petals on the couple as he’d been instructed to do as the flower boy.

Right at that moment, I feel my phone buzzing in my handbag.

With a premonition of what I’m about to see, I pull it out, scanning the screen. Just as I hoped, it’s a message from Dean:

Baby was in a hurry. We barely made it to the hospital in time. Cat handled it like a champion—Levi Yenin is 7 lbs. 6 oz, 22 inches long. So fucking happy to have him here.

I’m crying from the very first word.

Miles reads over my shoulder, his arm around my waist.

“I told you,” he says. “We gotta hurry up if we’re gonna give that kid a cousin.”

Leo Gallo


Two Years Later

I’m dressingfor Sabrina’s engagement party.

After two years of arguing over whether they’ll live in St. Petersburg or Chicago, she’s finally agreed to marry Adrik Petrov.

They’re holding the party on the rooftop terrace of LondonHouse. It’s a black-tie affair, which means I have to remember how to tie a goddamn bow tie.

I’ve been fucking with it for twenty minutes now, not wanting to admit that I’m going to have to ask Anna to work her magic yet again.

She’s already dressed, playing with the twins downstairs before we have to leave them with the sitter.

I know she’s excited to see Cara, who just completed her last year at Kingmakers, and is finally home for good. Cara’s only here a month before she and Hedeon embark on their six-month backpacking trip across Asia. I guess Cara feels like Kingmakers wasn’t quite enough inspiration for the novel she’s been writing the last two years.

I’m equally excited to see Rafe and Nix, Freya and Ares, and Kade Petrov. It’s been too long. We’re all so busy and so scattered across the globe—it takes a wedding or a funeral to bring us all together. I know which one I prefer.

Giving up on the ridiculous bow tie, I head downstairs to beg for my wife’s help.

I almost trip over the twins, who barrel across the hallway at top speed, Athena chasing after Archie, both brandishing wooden swords.

“Don’t run with those!” I bellow after them, but they’re shrieking too loud to hear me.

It’s hard to tell them apart from behind, since they’re both crowned with a bush of dark curls, and they’re both equally filthy and feral unless Anna has just lifted them out of the bath.

She may have done so—Athena was wearing the bottom of a pair of pajamas, and Archie the top.

I search through the main floor of our house, looking for Anna.

We bought this gothic mansion right before the twins were born. I was starting to get nervous that Anna wouldn’t find a place she liked. She was adamant that she didn’t want any gleaming, modern condo on the lake, no matter how pretty the view. Her tastes were shaped from an early age by her father’s house.

The Astor Street mansion has everything she likes—dormers and gables, high ceilings, cavernous fireplaces, an overgrown garden, leaded glass windows, and an abundance of ghosts.

The twins love it. They’re continually getting lost in the maze of ancient rooms, popping out again in unexpected places as if they’ve found a secret passageway through the walls.

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