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I’m starting to cheer up a little, sitting in the warm sun with two of my favorite people. Both Ares and Anna are supremelyrelaxing company. Ares is so laid-back that I think he’d stay calm even if he woke up with his room on fire. And Anna is just . . . someone I could be around forever.

As we’re eating, two girls from the school come strolling by, each carrying a little bag from the tea shop.

“Morning,” the girl nearest to me says as she passes. She’s got blue-black hair and straight brows that go up at the outer edges like a Vulcan. She’s in our Environmental Adaptation class—I think her name is Gemma.

“What’s in the bag?” I ask her.

“Crystals.” She stops to show me. She pulls out several small crystals, wrapped individually in tissue. One looks like rose quartz, one might be amethyst, and I don’t know the others.

“Pretty,” I say.

“Thanks.” She smiles at me like I complimented her personally, not just the crystals.

“What are they for?” Ares asks.

“They have healing powers.”

I hear Anna let out a little puff of air next to me, which I know was a very quiet snort. Anna doesn’t think much of mysticism.

As quiet as she was, Gemma zeroes in, her dark eyes narrowing. “Not a believer?”

“No,” Anna says coolly.

“That’s fine…” Gemma tosses her head. “Most people don’t understand it.”

“It’s hard to understand things that are made up,” Anna agrees with maddening calm.

Gemma’s redheaded friend quickly interjects, “Are you all coming to the party tonight?”

“What party?” Ares asks.

“A bunch of us are going down to Moon Beach once it gets dark.”

“You should come,” Gemma says, her eyes focused intently on me alone.

“Maybe we will,” I say.

“See you tonight, then.” Gemma wiggles her fingers at me.

“Bye.” Her friend waves to Ares.

Anna crumples up the newspaper containing her last few fries.

“You’re coming, too,” I inform her.

“I don’t think so.”

“What’s wrong? You don’t like those girls?”

“I like Shannon. She’s in my contracts class.”

I notice she’s avoiding mention of Gemma.

“Come on,” I coax. “You love parties.”

Anna looks at me, her blue eyes clear and steady. Quietly, she says, “Do you want me to come?”

“Of course I do.”

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