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“How so?”

“He turns a blind eye to the Bratva, as long as we remember that the Kremlin is the biggest gang in town. He’ll even contract us from time to time.”

“You work with the government?” Sabrina frowns.

“It’s not a matter of choice. To use a term you Gallos would recognize, they make you an offer you can’t refuse.”

Sabrina considers this, fiddling with the straw in her drink.

“So you’re saying of all the people you don’t fuck with in Russia, the politicians are at the top of the heap.”

“It’s the underworld and the overworld. And all the normal people caught in the middle.”

“So what’s your angle?” she asks, her eyes fixed keenly on my face. “Where do you intend to stake your claim?”

I shrug. “That’s the question, isn’t it? Vice is a booming industry, competition everywhere you look. To expand in any particular area risks conflict with those already present.”

I incline my head toward each table in turn, rattling off the names of gangsters and the territory they control.

“There’s the Chechens over there. They’ve got a new boss, Ismaal Elbrus.”

Sabrina eyes the fleshy figure in the center of the group.

“Did he eat the old boss?”

I let out a soft snort. “Don’t let him hear you say that. Elbrus is vindictive as they come—all the Chechens are. Cross them and they’ll burn down your grandma’s house, and every house on her street.”

“What do they do?”

“Illegal oil deals, bank fraud, counterfeiting … They’ve got a massiveobshakwhere they pool their funds, and they’re connected in government, especially the Regional Department of Organized Crime.”

Sabrina laughs at that little piece of irony.

“There’s the Slavs on the other side of the room. They despise the Chechens. They’re mostly arms dealers, and they’ve got as much heavy hardware as the Red Army—half of it stolen from the Red Army, actually. They’re in local drug production and they bring in cocaine from South America.”

Sabrina nods, eyes flicking from table to table as she memorizes each face and each piece of information.

“You probably know her.” I nod toward the table featuring the only other woman in the room not paid to be there. A beautiful brunette with a keen, intelligent face is speaking intently with a young man in an elegantly fitted suit. They look stylish enough that they would have easily breezed inside the Soho Rooms, had they chosen to go there instead of here.

“Neve Markov,” Sabrina says softly.

“See that rock on her finger? She just signed a marriage contract with Simon Severov, youngest son of Sanka Severov.”

“She’s engaged?”

“As of this week.”

Sabrina examines Simon with fresh interest, stirring her straw around in her ice.

“You’re wondering if Ilsa likes him?”

Sabrina smiles, unembarrassed by the mention of her ex. “I don’t think she expected her sister to get married any time soon.”

I shrug. “They say it’s a love match.”

Sabrina is already back to the business at hand. “You’ve been dealing ARs and blow,” she says, remembering what Jasper reported.

“That’s right. We have an agreement with Eban Franko to sell in his strip clubs. But the price of coke has been all over the map, and the molly we get from Amsterdam has been shit. We need a new supplier.”

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