Page 9 of Stalking Margery

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“Have fun!”

Margery quickly made her way out of the store and started to head home. While she had offered to stay, that was the last thing she wanted to do. She wanted to collapse and not have to think about anything. She didn’t want to have to be attentive, but if she stayed at work, she was going to have to be.

She walked past the stand-alone ice cream place. It was packed, and she didn’t want to wait in line for a long time. It was probably better for her to order and have it delivered so she had a little more time off her feet.

Which didn’t bug Margery at all. She honestly didn’t want to interact with a lot of people, and she knew if she walked into a place like that, she was going to have to.

She let out a sigh of contentment. It was another beautiful day as she walked home. Margery hoped there were more of these days because she needed them, wanted them.

“Such a gorgeous day,” she whispered as she got closer to home. “I can’t wait to snuggle into my blanket and watch cartoons.”

That was something she hadn’t done in a while, it was hard to be Little in the morning and go to work after. But she hadn’t had the afternoon off to be able to be Little in longer than she could remember.

Happiness and excitement filled her as she put a pep into her step. The sooner she got home, the sooner she was able to change and make that happen.

But as she started to walk up her street, she saw someone sitting on her porch, rocking in the chair. Margery slowed down, trying to get a good look at the man on her porch.

He was wearing all black, and she couldn’t see his face. Unease filled her, and she stopped walking. She was a lot closer than she wanted to be. All she had between them was the short walkway to her house.

Her eyes went wide when she looked at his hand. It looked like he was holding a gun, no doubt a loaded gun. Her breath was stuck in her lungs as she stared at him. The man was slowly rocking in the rocking chair, watching her.

Margery flinched when he lifted his hand and beckoned her forward. But instead of moving forward, she took a step back. That was when he stood to his full height, showing her the gun clearly.

The man motioned for her to come forward once again, and automatically, she took a step toward him. There was nocover for her to run to and hide. She had to assume the gun was loaded, and that he was going to shoot at her if she tried to run.

How was she going to get out of this situation? How was this going to play out? What did the man want? Was he her stalker?

So many questions ran through her as she took another step forward. Margery didn’t want to take another step, but she didn’t know what else to do. She had never been in a situation like this. The only thing she had was a knife to protect herself.

A knife that was in her handbag. There was no way she was going to be able to get the knife without him knowing. There was no way she was going to be able to do any damage to him while he had a gun. He was in a better predicament. He could be anywhere and have used the gun, whereas she had to be close to him to use her knife.

“Come up the stairs slowly. Don’t think about doing anything but following what I say,” the man said.

Everything in her was telling her not to go toward him, but she didn’t have a choice. What else was she going to do? Maybe if she followed his orders she would make it out alive. If she didn’t, he would no doubt shoot her.

Once she got to the top of the stairs, she could see just how tall he was. He was at least a head taller than her, and from the little she could see, he was pure muscle.

Before she could do or say anything, he wrapped his arms around her body, holding the gun to her head.

“I’m going to have so much fun with you,” he whispered.



Tears pooled in her eyes as she realized the severity of the situation. He had a gun to her head and said he was going to have fun with her.

Even if she screamed and her neighbors heard , Margery knew they weren’t going to help. They weren’t the type of neighbors to help in a situation like this. They were the type of neighbors to pretend they didn’t hear a thing and never feel guilty about it.

If, by chance, one of them did come and help, what were they going to do? This man had a gun to her head. How were they going to get her out of this situation?

Probably by calling the police, but she and the guy holding the gun to her head knew it wasn’t going to happen.

“Unlock the door,” the man commanded. “Nice and slowly.”

Margery didn’t move, though. She was frozen in fear. Was he going to rape her?

“Bitch. Unlock the door. Now.”

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