Page 88 of Stalking Margery

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She had a feeling if she continued to forget to respond verbally there were going to be consequences. She didn’t want that. But she was going to have to talk to Daddy because when she felt Little, sometimes she didn’t feel like speaking. Margery didn’t want to get in trouble about that.

“I can see something swirling in your eyes. When we’re alone, you can tell me,” Daddy whispered. “And as for Uncle Clinton reminding you, I would pay attention. He and I aresimilar. You probably don’t want your butt to be on fire for not answering.”

Her eyes went wide as she stared at Daddy. She was expecting maybe some corner time or lines for not verbally responding, but a spanking? Margery was not expecting that, nor did she want it.

“Seems kind of harsh,” she mumbled.

Daddy chuckled and nodded. “It’ll make you learn. Verbal responses make sure that there will be less miscommunication. I would like to avoid having that as much as possible.”

Margery hadn’t thought about it that way. She figured it was just some dominant thing to say. She didn’t actually think there was a reason behind it. Even in the books she read, they never explained that it could possibly help with communication.

“Have I told you how much of a good girl you are?” Daddy asked.

How much longer was Uncle Dahmere going to take? How bad was Daddy’s arm? Was he going to lose it? Was Uncle Dahmere assessing the damage to see how much he was going to take off?

“Ah, Little one. No need to panic. You’re okay. Take a deep breath for Daddy. Hold it for a couple of seconds, and now let it out. Such a good girl. Let’s do that one more time. Deep breath in. Hold. And slowly let it out. Such a good girl. My good Little girl.”

Margery was trying so hard to be brave, but it was getting increasingly harder. She wasn’t much of a crier, but right now, she wanted to break down in Daddy’s arms. She wantedhim to hold her until she stopped. But she needed to be brave for him.

“You’re such a brave girl. My brave Little girl. But soon you won’t have to be so strong and you can let Daddy take care of you. Once Uncle Dahmere is finished, it’ll be just you and me.”

It sounded so appealing. She couldn’t wait until she could let all of her emotions out.

“We’re almost done,” Uncle Dahmere announced.

Margery took several deep breaths in. She had made it this long, she could make it a couple more minutes. Or at least that’s what she was telling herself. Margery honestly didn’t know how much longer she could keep it up. She was starting to crack.

“You are such a good girl. Daddy is so proud of you. I think once this is all over, you should get a good girl reward.”

Margery’s eyebrows went up as he said that. What did a good girl reward entail? But before she could ask, Daddy started to chuckle.

“I see that caught your attention, and it should have. Your good girl reward can be anything… within reason. Want a bowl of ice cream? You’ve got it. Don’t want ice cream but want a full body massage? You got it. That will be one-handed, though. I’m sure Uncle Dahmere will tell me not to use my arm for a couple of days, but that’s okay. Just means it’ll be a long and nice massage. Or, if you don’t want either of those, and you just want pleasure, I can do that, too.”

Margery let out a soft moan at the thought of him pleasuring her. She had been turned on so many times and hadn’t been able to find release. Every single timeshe had tried, it never worked. There was something missing, and she knew what.


“Hmmm, I think my girl likes the idea of the last thing I said. Well, once Uncle Dahmere is done, I can give you pleasure, and then we can snuggle and relax.”

And once again, she was brought back to reality. There were several other people in the room, no doubt listening to their conversation. Without thinking, Margery put her head against Daddy’s chest; how could she have forgotten again? Daddy was just so good about making her solely focus on him and nothing else. Making her forget about everyone else.

“Don’t worry. None of them are paying attention. I promise you. They didn’t hear a word I said or saw your reaction. I wouldn’t do that to you. Not unless you wanted it, but we haven’t talked about that.”

That didn’t help Margery take her head out of his embrace. Was he saying that so she didn’t panic? Or was he telling the truth? Margery couldn’t decide either way.

“I know you want to be in the loop about things. I want you to know we are actively trying to find who. But tonight, someone threatened that they are coming after you,” Daddy gently said.

Margery’s breathing picked up. Someone was after her? Was she going to die?

“Nothing is going to happen. I’m not going to allow it to. I want you to know that. We are finding the people. They won’t get close to you but I wanted you to know. I didn’t want to keep you in the dark.”

“Thank you.” There were the nerves in her voice.

She already had Daddy stalking her once. She didn’t know she wasn’t in any danger at the time, but this was different. She was in real danger.

“Little one, nothing is going to happen. We aren’t going to allow it to, I promise.”

But would he be able to keep her safe the whole time? He wasn’t always going to be with her. How was he going to keep her safe then?

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