Page 83 of Stalking Margery

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She wrapped her hands around the cup again and tried to relax in her chair. It was so hard because she had given them so much information.

Margery honestly couldn’t believe that she had said all of that. Was it stupid of her? Were they going to give her bad advice?

“Have you talked to anybody about this?” Uncle Dahmere asked.

She looked down at her lap in embarrassment. The only person she had talked to wasn’t really a person. It was her stuffed animal who couldn’t give her a responseback.

“Just Jonesy, my stuffed zebra,” she mumbled. She didn’t want to look up and see the disgust on their faces.

“You don’t have to be afraid of mentioning your stuffed animal. We’ve been around a lot of Littles. We’re not going to think of you any less because you have one,” Clinton gently comforted.

“What did Jonesy say?” Dahmere asked.

“To trust my gut. Didn’t really say much else. I kind of got interrupted, so I couldn’t finish my conversation,” she said.

Not that finishing it would have been any good. It probably would have ended the same way it started. She didn’t actually know if it would have ended like that, that was only her assumption. Maybe Jonesy would have surprised her with a completely different answer.

“And did you agree with Jonesy?” Clinton asked.

She shrugged. “It’s complicated. My gut is telling me to stay and that I can live with myself, but my brain is telling me that it’s wrong. That I shouldn’t be even considering it. I mean, my friend agreed with part of it. Daddy sent me a card with a picture of guy’s body. Said something about how he touched me, so he was dead. It turned me on, and I asked my friend about it. Asked her hypothetically in a book situation if it was okay,” she rushed out. “She said in a book it was perfectly fine, but in real life, it depended on the situation. I couldn’t tell her it was real life because she didn’t believe me that I had a stalker.”

Margery didn’t know why she went into so much detail. She didn’t know why she kept telling them the things he haddone that turned her on. It wasn’t information that they needed to know. Daddy probably wouldn’t be happy with her for telling them his actions turned her on. It was kind of private.

“Okay, and your brain is just telling you it’s wrong because of social norms? Or is it telling you it’s wrong because you hate it?” Uncle Dahmere moved his hands up and down.

She opened her mouth but quickly closed it. She hadn’t thought about it in that way. Was her brain just telling her it was wrong because social norms told people how to behave?

Margery knew killing was bad, but this was different. He wasn’t killing innocent people. He had killed a rapist who had hurt several women and almost hurt her. He had killed Max, who said those weird things to her in the cabin. Margery was pretty sure if she stayed with him, something bad would have happened.

She didn’t initially get that vibe from him but toward the end, as he said a couple of weird things toward her, it definitely became clearer.

“I don’t know,” she whispered.

That question really stumped her.

“It’s okay if you don’t know the answer. It’s something for you to think about,” Clinton offered.

She looked down at her almost empty mug of hot chocolate. Margery hadn’t even realized she had been sipping it while she was thinking.

“Do you want to talk through what’s going through your head? Sometimes, people need to talk through it to get to what they want. But some people just need to think insilence. You tell us what’s best.” Clinton patted her hand a couple of times.

“I know killing is bad. I know you guys don’t kill innocent people. You guys kill the people who are bad. I just, you’re killing people. I know it’s not all bad, but at the same time, it is. What am I supposed to do with that information? Will people ask me about it if I see them? Will I have to lie for the rest of my life? There are just so many questions and considerations, and I don’t know. I am at a loss.”

While their questions were kind of helping Margery think, she was still struggling. She just wished she could have them make the decision for her, but they weren’t going to do that. She didn’t expect them to since they had only known each other for a couple of hours. It was asking too much, and she also felt like they would side with Ethan. They were loyal to him. And they should be.

“People won’t know unless you tell them who he is. You don’t have to tell them his last name. You can just say Ethan, or if they are in the lifestyle, you can say Daddy. You’ll still be able to make friends. Just because you’re with him doesn’t mean you have to be confined to this house,” Uncle Clinton told her.

“Yeah, I bet if you stayed, he would give you some guards, and if you ever wanted to go out, you could. I’m not going to lie. He’ll probably say you can’t leave without him for a little while. But he just wants to make sure that you are safe and that you’ll come back to him,” Uncle Dahmere added. “But he’s not going to hold you hostage for the rest of your life. He knows you wouldn’t do well with that.”

She sighed and slumped further into the chair. Theywere saying all the right things for her to want to stay. It was all things she knew would happen, but they had just solidified it.

“Those are the good things. Some of the not so good things, I mean, I don’t necessarily see them as bad, but other people might. He kills people, bad people. He sells drugs. He has people who manufacture drugs. He hosts underground fighting and owns people,” Dahmere chuckled.

“But you can also say that those things are good. He employs people to make the drugs. People who didn’t have jobs before. The underground fighting, he helps people with jobs. Sure, they get hurt some, but they also earn a ton of money and get a lot of rest. There are good and bad sides to everything,” Clinton added. “It’s just how you look at it. You can either decide to look at the worst of it all, or you can decide to look at the best. It’s up to you and how you ultimately want to look at it.”

All the things they mentioned were bad. They were really bad, but Uncle Clinton was right. It was how she looked at it.

“And your thoughts might change over time. We can’t tell you what it’s going to be like, but we can tell you that it’s going to change. Some days, you’ll be perfectly fine, and other days, it might be harder to accept everything. We go through the same thing. It’s not just you,” Clinton gently said. “I just want you to know that. And I bet it would be the same if you decided not to stay. You would probably go through days of thinking it was the right decision and days of thinking it was the worst decision ever. You just need to think about which one you are going to regret the least.”

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