Page 81 of Stalking Margery

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“Second, I remember you saying you were frustrated and overwhelmed. If you want to talk, we’re both great listeners.” Uncle Clinton gave her a smile.

She immediately shook her head. “No, thank you.”


She looked between Uncle Dahmere and Clinton. Were they seriously asking her that?

“Because you’ll just report to Daddy, and I don’t want that.”

Margery clenched her jaw as she realized she just called Ethan Daddy out loud. She wasn’t planning on doing that, and she hadn’t said it to Ethan’s face yet. She had only thought it.

Margery didn’t need Daddy to know what she was thinking either. She knew he was going to find out at some point. If he asked, she was willing to tell him. But until then, she didn’t want it getting to him.

“We promise we won’t tell him unless it is about safety or your well-being. Those two things are nonnegotiable. If we find you doing something that could harm yourself, you better bet we’ll tell your Daddy, and he’ll blister your bottom.” Clinton’s voice went deeper.

She was not expecting that from him. He seemed to be the more chill one.

“I don’t think she was expecting that from you,” Uncle Dahmere chuckled. “I’m pretty sure she expected that from me.”

“Good. That means it will be memorable and stick in her brain. She’ll know we won’t keep things like that from her Daddy. Isn’t that right, Margie?”

She nodded.

“Words.” Clinton raised an eyebrow. “I know your Daddy likes words, and I do, too. So, you better get used to speaking and not just nodding.”

“Right,” she whispered, completely overwhelmed.

He had taken a complete one-eighty, and she didn’t know how to feel about that. She thought he would be the carefree one. The one who would let her get away with things. But she should have known better. They were all going to spy on her for Daddy. There was no getting away with anything.

“Good girl,” Uncle Clinton praised. “Now, what’s upsetting you? Maybe it’ll help you to speak about it. Clear things up.”

Margery didn’t know about that. Part of her wanted to. She didn’t want to risk them telling Daddy. She didn’t need him knowing that she was still struggling with whether to stay or not. He would surely tie her to the bed and make sure she didn’t go anywhere.

Not that he was giving her much of a choice, but she could probably find someone to help her be able to leave. Or she could leave whenever Daddy was gone, and she had people watching over her. They weren’t going to follow her into the bathroom, so she was safe.

“Are you going to talk to us?” Uncle Dahmere asked. “Wegive good advice. We promise we won’t tell your Daddy unless it is causing you harm mentally or physically.”

And that was where she was hesitant. It wasn’t technically causing her any physical harm, but it might be causing her stress. She was just trying to figure everything out.

“Come on, girly. You’re in a safe place,” Uncle Clinton began. “I wouldn’t lie to you. You are safe to talk to us. It’s not good for you to hold in all of this and make you super anxious. At that point, we will have to tell your Daddy so he can help.”

Her eyebrows went up as she stared at them. They were giving her an ultimatum. Did she tell them with a slight chance that they would tell her Daddy or them tell her Daddy that she was stressed? Either way it wasn’t looking good for Margery.

“Fine. Since you’re not really giving me a choice anyway.”

“It’s all for your health. We just want what is best for you. We know we aren’t your Daddy, but he isn’t here right now, and we are your uncles. We have an obligation to keep track of you and make sure that you are okay,” Dahmere explained.

It did make sense, but it still wasn’t fair. She just never had so many people who actually cared about her. Her parents did when they lived in New York while she was in high school. But once she graduated and found a job, they moved and hadn’t contacted her since.

So maybe her parents caring about her was a stretch. They tolerated her and made sure she had what she needed, but besides that, they didn’t really care. Sad, but it was howlife was. Not everyone was in her corner. A lot of people weren’t.

“Come sit down. I’ll make you some hot chocolate, and you can talk to us.” Clinton patted the seat next to him.

Margery eyed the chair for several minutes. Was she actually going to do this? Was it better to do this than have them tell Daddy? She didn’t know and hadn’t really thought about it. What if Daddy didn’t do much once they told him?

That would still put her in a dilemma. Maybe by telling Uncles Clinton and Dahmere, they could help her. She wouldn’t know until she tried.

“Come on, girly. Uncle Clinton makes an amazing hot chocolate. You don’t want to miss out.” Uncle Dahmere gestured to the chair

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