Page 75 of Stalking Margery

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“I told her I worked for a syndicate,” Jason admitted.

“You told her that, but you wouldn’t answer some simple questions?” Ren asked. “She could look things up and expect the worst. Did you think this through at all?”

“Not really. I was on the spot. Soon after Diego saw me, I needed to leave for a job. Time-sensitive job.”

“How long ago was this?” Ethan found himself asking.

“Like two weeks ago.”

Ren’s mouth fell open. Two weeks was a very long time.

“Have you talked to her about anything? Given her some hints? Or have you just left her in the dark?” Ren asked.

“I haven’t told her anything, but we’ve talked. We’re actually going to meet up soon to talk about it.”

“You might want to ask her what she knows before you say things. Two weeks is a long time and she could have done some probing. Come up with her own ideas,” Ethan chuckled.

Jason was in for the ride of his life. Most women were amazing at researching and finding things a person didn’t want to be found.

“Anyway, enough about me. How is Bonnie? I noticed you just went silent and let Ren ask questions,” Jason inquired.

“She’s living her life. She seems happy,” Ethan replied.

“I’ve been keeping tabs on her and her Daddies. She looks happy. Her two men give her things that make her happy. They spoil her, but they also discipline her when she needs it. And it’s quite a bit,” Ren chuckled. “That girl has gotten comfortable and started to brat.”

“Okay, we’re done talking about my sister. I’m not the happiest with who she is with, but she is thriving and happy. I can’t do anything about it if I want her not to hate me. She’s now in the hands of two men, her Daddies, and they’re going to keep her safe,” Ethan quickly said.

He did not like the turn of events, but he couldn’t do much about it. Bonnie and he had gone through so much together, and he didn’t want to ruin it or lose her. So, having to hold his tongue when he found out she fell in love with his former enemy was hard.

It was a simple miscommunication, but it had been years and years that they had hated each other for. That Rogan tried to interfere with their shipments. People didn’t just get over that overnight. It was going to take a while.

Ethan still didn’t like talking about him. But anytime he was around Bonnie and her Daddy, he was always polite and respectful. Respectful as somebody who hated the other person could be. There was lots of glaring, but they got through things without killing each other.

“So, how about Margery? Is she doing okay?” Jason asked.

“Are you going to continue to ask questions until they get here, or are you going to shut up?” Matthias spoke.

Ren choked on the drink he had in his mouth. Ethan wasn’t expecting Jason to ask so many questions. While he was chatty, he didn’t usually ask all of these questions. What had changed? Was it the girl he was talking to? Was she changing him a little?

“Sorry. I just wanted to get the inside scoop. You know I’ve been gone, and I’ve missed some things. Who better to ask than person it’s happening to? But I see that my questions are not wanted,” Jason spotted.

Ethan knew Rogan hated crying so much. He despised it. Ethan was the same with questions. He hated them as much as Rogan hated crying. Especially when some of them weredumb and common sense. Half the time, he didn’t even answer them, but they still got on his nerves.

“Matthias,” Ethan got his attention. “Did Rogan seem to be on our tails about this shipment?”

Rogan had been trying to stop them from buying the girls. He had gotten close several times, but Ethan was always one step ahead of him.

Only a couple of people knew that they didn’t sell the girls after they purchased them. It was the only good thing they did. Everything else was illegal. Helping these innocent women and children was the one thing that helped balance out all the bad.

None of them regretted dealing drugs, killing people, blackmailing people, and more. They all had agreed to do it. But their one rule about not harming innocent people, and they tried their hardest not to break it. What could they do to help them?

So, they came up with buying girls and then helping them get to a safe house where they didn’t have to worry about being mistreated.

“No, he hasn’t. He’s been focused on Bonnie and Raynar, and whatever you said to him seemed to help as well. Everything should go smoothly,” Matthias replied.

Ethan relaxed a little. He liked it when things ran without a hitch because he got to go home faster. It also helped so the girls didn’t freak out and try to run away.

None of them knew they were going to a safe house. It was easier for them to be scared and follow orders. Then, once they got to the safe house, they debriefed them on how the next several months would be.

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