Page 38 of Stalking Margery

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“No, I wasn’t watching TV. I woke up and started panicking, and that’s when the nurse came in.”

“I had an uncle who went through hallucinations after a traumatic event. I found someone for him. I can refer you to her. She can help you,” Adalisa gently said as she took a step forward.

Margery lifted her hands, stopping her from getting any closer. “I don’t need to talk to somebody.”

“Honey, you do. Are you hearing yourself right now?”

Yeah, she was. Things were clear as day. Ethan was magically alive, and she had seen him multiple times. How was it not believable?

“Maybe the hospital caught him on their cameras. I could ask one of the nurses for the tape. Then I can show you that he was the one that dropped me off, and he is alive,” Margery explained. “That’s what I’ll do. Then you can see for yourself that I’m not lying.”

Adalisa walked over and wrapped her arms around Margery. Margery didn’t return the gesture, though. Why was she giving her a hug? They weren’t the hugging type of friends. They worked together and hung out outside of work, but that was it.

“Are you okay, Adalisa?” Margery asked.

Adalisa pulled away and gave her an ‘are you serious’ look. “Did you really just ask me that?”

“Yes. We don’t hug. It’s out of character for you. I wanted to make sure that you were okay. Is that a crime?” Margery blurted out.

“I can’t believe you asked me that. You really aren’t hearing yourself, are you? ” Adalisa was annoyed. It was clear in her voice. “Did you really just ask me if I was okay?”

Why was Adalisa so offended by that question? Okay, Margery could see why she was a little annoyed, but this was different. Adalisa didn’t want to believe what Margery was saying.

“I’m okay, but you aren’t. You really need to talk to somebody about all of this. It’s not okay, and it’s not normal. There is nothing normal about hallucinating about your dead ex-boyfriend.”


“I’m not hallucinating, though. I haven’t taken anything to make me hallucinate, I’m completely fine. I’m telling you he’s alive. Several people have seen him besides me.”

“But did they know it was Ethan, the guy who died in the horrific car crash a long time ago?”

Margery shrugged. “I don’t know. I didn’t ask. And I can’t ask one of them because he’s dead!”

It should really bother Margery more that she witnessed Ethan murder somebody in front of her. She blamed it on still being in shock, but she didn’t know if that was true or not. And anytime she thought about Ethan killing the guy, she couldn’t help but feel a little aroused.

Was that wrong of her?

Ethan had brought it up in the moment, and a man killing for her did turn her on. Call her weird, but she didn’t care. Okay, she did a little.

“Did you call the police about this supposed dead guy?”

Margery shook her head.

“Why not?” Adalisa probed.

She shrugged her shoulders. “Well, I figured if Ethan did it to the guy who helped me, he would do it to anybody. I didn’t want to get another innocent person involved. Okay, maybe Max wasn’t innocent. He said some pretty weird things to me that I didn’t consent to. Things Ethan heard, and that’s when he came in and killed him.”

There was a lot she was leaving out.

Adalisa shook her head and chuckled. “We are not having this conversation anymore. What you need is some sleep, food, and somebody to talk to.”

“I can agree with you about sleep and food because I do need that. I haven’t been sleeping well since I got the first gift.”

“You need to talk to somebody. If you aren’t going to, then I’m going to call somewhere and have them admit you. And don’t think I won’t do it. I care about you. The way you’re talking about this isn’t right. You need to realize that he’s dead.”

“Okay, fine,” Margery finally gave in. “I’ll give the person a call. I haven’t been sleeping well, so maybe I’ll sleep better tonight and call them tomorrow.”

Was she actually going to call the person? Absolutely not, but she needed Adalisa off her back. She knewif she didn’t say she was going to call the specialist, Adalisa would act on her threat of having someone admit her.

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