Page 27 of Stalking Margery

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“What don’t I understand? I understand that you’re hurt and need to take it easy. I understand that you’re probably scared because you don’t know where you are. I can understand those things, but what I can’t understand is you risking your health by walking outside. Wait a couple of hours, and you can get to wherever you want, or I can drop you off when therain stops.”

“You really don’t understand. He could be anywhere. He could be right outside the door, and we wouldn’t know,” she worried.

For some reason, that got through to Max because his whole body tensed and his eyes narrowed.

“Are you in trouble? Are you running from law enforcement?” he asked.

“I’m not running from law enforcement. I told you I was running away from somebody.”

“Thought that was just something to use as an excuse.”

“Why would I lie? You told me not to.”

Max was making no sense. He told her not to lie, and yet he figured she had. Okay, anybody in their right mind probably would have lied. She probably should have made it sound more believable. He obviously didn’t believe her the first time.

“I have a stalker. I’m pretty sure it’s somebody I thought was dead, which makes it a lot worse,” she explained.

“And he followed you to the cabin you were staying at?”

Her eyes went wide. How did he know she was staying at the cabin?

“I’m the neighbor who lives a mile away. You have my phone number on the fridge.”

“Oh. Sorry. I’m just a little paranoid right now, but I did have your number on the fridge. I’m not really sure.”

Her head was hurting so badly that she didn’t want to think anymore. All she wanted was to relax and not worry about anything, but that couldn’t happen. Not until this whole stalker situation was handled.

But nobody seemed to believe her. The police officer hadn’t, and now she felt like Max wasn’t either.

“Well, if this is true, I can keep you safe. I’ve had training, you don’t have to worry about it,” he finally spoke.

She raised her hand. “You don’t understand. I need to leave. He broke into my house without me knowing and left a present. He’s dangerous.”

If this was Ethan, what had happened to her sweet, loving boyfriend? She remembered how soft he was with her and how caring. His words last night were caring; he wanted to take care of her, but his actions weren’t.

What happened to Ethan? Why was he this way? Was everything okay? How was he alive?

Margery started to massage her temples and hoped that the aching would go away. She needed to stop thinking so hard about everything. Although it probably wouldn’t happen, she needed to relax, but she knew that wasn’t going to happen. Not when she was in a cabin with someone she didn’t know, and especially not when she knew Ethan was still out there.

“I’m going to make you some food and give you some medicine,” Max said kindly.

“Are you really going to ignore what I just said? He’s dangerous.”

“Yes, I am because I was in the military and have been trained for things like this. We’re safe. I have guns in every room, so you don’t have to worry.”

But that just didn’t sit well with Margery. How did he expect her to be calm when he didn’t know who Ethan was? Margery didn’t even know if she knew who he was anymore.

“Do you have a weapon on you?” she queried.

“No. I don’t need to carry a gun on me at all times if I have one in every room. We’re going to be fine. You aren’t leaving since you’re hurt. You’re going to be getting the rest you need. I don’t want to hear anything else.”

Margery sighed as he walked away. She just had a bad feeling that she couldn’t shake.



Awhole day had passed since she woke up in Max’s house. He had been true to his word and fed her several times while also keeping an eye out for Ethan. Max didn’t know his name or any details besides that there was someone after her.

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