Page 25 of Stalking Margery

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Was she going to die like this? Cold, shivering, and in pain.

“Ma’am!” someone called out, but Margery didn’t react.

Her body was slowly becoming numb, and she couldn’t move her limbs. This was how she was going to go. In a car crash as she was trying to run away from a person she thought was dead.



Margery groaned as she slowly started to wake up. What happened? Why was her head pounding so much? Her body ached even as she lay still.


She was lying down.

Why was she lying down? Why was her body aching? Why did she feel like she got run over by a train several times?

“Don’t move,” someone said.

Her whole body tensed painfully. Who was that?

“Shh, you’re okay.”

His voice was getting closer. Where was she? Who was that? Why was she lying down? So many questions were running through her already aching head.

“No,” she mumbled.

Margery moved her arm but whimpered in pain as her whole body protested.

“Open your eyes for me. Everything is okay. You’re okay and alive,” the man whispered.

Slowly, she opened them and flinched as the light assaulted her eyes. Shit. That was bright.

“I’m sorry. Open them a bit at a time. Can’t do anything about the light, I’m afraid. Got no blinds for the windows.”

What did he think she was doing? She had opened them slowly and was still assaulted by the light. Could he not put a towel up to block out the sun?

Margery blinked several times and pushed through the pain. Probably not the best idea since her head was already killing her.

“Good girl. I’m Max.”

“What happened?” she whispered.

“You are one very lucky lady. If I hadn’t been outside on the road fixing something, I wouldn’t have heard you crash or get to you in time.”

Her eyes went wide as she stared at him. Everything came back to her. The crash. Running away from Ethan. Shit. Her mind must have been playing tricks on her because Ethan couldn’t have been raised from the dead.

But he grabbed her.

Held her.

Ran his hands through her hair.

Talked to her.

Everything made it so real. Had she taken something to make her hallucinate, and she didn’t know?

“You’re okay. No panicking. I got you out of your car and brought you into my house. You hit your head pretty hard.”

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