Page 23 of Stalking Margery

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Margery flashed the light up and screamed.



Margery continued to scream as she stared at the person in front of her. He was dead; he couldn’t possibly be standing in front of her.

Ethan, the love of her life.

Fight or flight instincts took over her body, and she chose flight. There was no way she was staying around to find out what was going to happen. Her mind was making all of this up because there was no way he was standing in front of her. She couldn’t believe it.

Margery ran toward the figure, trying to get out of the kitchen. All she needed to do was get to her bedroom and hide under the blankets until either the electricity turned back on or it was daylight.

She didn’t want to see what her mind could come up with. It was obviously bringing people back from the dead, and she wasn’t ready to see all of that.

As she got closer to Ethan, his arms wrapped around her. Margery’s eyes went wide. Not dead if he could grab her wasthe first thing to pop into her mind. How was he not dead? She saw his body in the morgue. She remembered crying and begging for him to be alive.

“I’ve got you now,” he whispered in her ear.

Margery whimpered and clawed at his arms, trying to get away. It must be a real person, but it couldn’t be Ethan. If there was a person really here, her mind must have been playing tricks and putting Ethan’s face on them.

“Shhhh,” he whispered. “You’re okay. I’ve got you. Daddy’s got you.”

But that didn’t calm Margery down, if anything it made her panic more. This was all wrong. He was dead. There was no way he had his arms wrapped around her.

She lifted her arm and started to beat on him with the flashlight, trying to do anything to get him off her, but nothing was succeeding. If anything, his arms wrapped around tighter, holding her against him.

“No need to fight Daddy, everything is going to be okay. I’m here now, and I’m going to take care of you. Care that you so desperately need,” he whispered as one of his hands ran through her hair.

If this was any other situation, she would have embraced having his hands on her. She would have relaxed and let him have his way with her, but it wasn’t.

She was in a cabin, alone.

Ethan wasdead.

And yet he was here with her, his arm wrapped around her torso.

“Let me go!” she yelled as she continued to hit his arm.

“I’ll never let you go. We made a promise to each other to get married, and I intend on fulfilling that promise.”

Tears pooled in her eyes. They had made a promise to each other. But that was when he was alive… and over eighteen years ago.

All Margery wanted to do was break down and cry. Thinking about not being able to marry the love of her life killed her every day.

But she couldn’t.

Her mind was playing tricks on her; this wasn’t Ethan. Whoever it was, she wasn’t going to marry them. She couldn’t.

If Ethan wasn’t dead and he was here right now, she probably would feel giddy about him confessing that he was going to fulfill the promise they made. It would probably turn her on to see the possessiveness.

But he was dead.

Margery dug her fingernails into his skin, trying to make him let go of her from pain. His warm blood seeped under her fingernails as she broke the skin.

But he didn’t react.

Panic was clawing its way through her body. What was she going to do? How was she going to get out of this? Was she going to die tonight?

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