Page 20 of Stalking Margery

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“Yeah, I am. It might be dumb right now, but I’m really enjoying it. I love every second of it. I don’t want it to end.”

“Have you guys talked about what you’ll do if you actually do get pregnant?”

“No, we haven’t. We haven’t really had much of any discussion. But I wouldn’t mind getting pregnant by him even if I do have to be a single mom after. Honestly, if I do get pregnant, I don’t think he’ll walk away. He seems responsible.”

“But you just said you haven’t really talked to him much. How do you know if he is responsible enough? There are two different types of being responsible. The average Joe Blow responsibility or the kind where the guy gets you pregnant, he’ll take responsibility.”

“So, I don’t know if he’ll be 100 percent responsible for getting me pregnant, but I would like to believe he would be. He seems like a guy who would be.”

Margery didn’t know what to say or how to respond. Adalisa seemed like she had already made up her mind, and there was no changing it. Not that Margery wanted to change it, but she wanted her to understand the risks of things.

“Okay, I believe you. I just want you to be informed. You are an adult, and I can’t be the boss of you. I just want you to be careful,” Margery expressed.

“I know and thank you forcaring. I really appreciate it, but I am being careful. I know it might not seem like it, but this is actually pretty tame for what I have done,” Adalisa replied. “Now, you go do what you need to and then head to my aunt’s cabin. And relax. I don’t want to hear from you until you get back and are coming to work.”

“Thanks. I owe you one.”

She hung up the phone and grabbed the pictures and note again. Adalisa said it depended on the situation whether she should be aroused or not. Technically, part of it did. He was saving her from potential danger, but what Adalisa didn’t know and probably wouldn’t believe was that he was also her stalker.

So, was it really a good thing to be aroused?

Margery didn’t know, but she wasn’t going to question it anymore. It was hot that he killed for her and was keeping her safe. Even if he was stalking her.



Margery took a breath of air as she stepped out of her car. Finally, she had arrived at the cabin. Nerves had run through her for the entire drive.

What if this was a mistake? What if it made things worse? Those were only some of the negative questions she asked herself in the car.

But what if this was the turning point? What if this was exactly what she needed to stop being paranoid? Those were the last questions she asked herself before she arrived.

Margery needed to stay positive for this to work. She needed to believe that this would be the turning point. That this could be exactly what she needed not to go crazy. She wouldn’t know until she tried and got through the next several days.

She grabbed her bag and walked to the cabin. Adalisa said the key would be under the flowerpot where her aunt kept it. Margery thought it was pretty unsafe to keep the keythere, especially when her aunt wasn’t close to the cabin all the time.

What if somebody saw, and once the people left, they started using the cabin?

She shook her head and unlocked the front door. She didn’t need to be thinking about it because it wasn’t her problem. Adalisa’s aunt knew what she was doing, and if it worked for her, then it worked for her.

Margery wasn’t going to judge the woman for doing it. Honestly, if she lived out in the country and knew her neighbors, she would probably do the same. She didn’t like having to carry around her keys all the time. It was another thing to keep track of, another thing she could easily lose.

Knock. Knock.

She quickly turned around, her eyes wide, as she stared at the door. Who was knocking on the door? Margery wasn’t expecting anyone. Nobody but Adalisa and her aunt knew she was there.

“Margery?” an older lady’s voice called out.

She quietly walked to the door and opened it. ’Adalisa’s aunt was there, holding a basket and smiling at her.

“It’s so nice to finally meet you. Adalisa talks about you whenever we’re on the phone,” the lady said. “I’m Aunt Marie.”

“Hi,” Margery replied awkwardly.

Margery was never good with new people. Maybe it was because when Ethan was alive, he was the one to talk to new people until she got more comfortable. He helped her in that way, but now he couldn’t. Even eighteen years later, she still struggled with it because she didn’t do itenough. She tried to keep meeting new people to a minimum.

Even when she went on dates, the first couple of minutes were always a little weird, but once she got to know them, the conversation would flow more easily. Maybe that’s why some of them didn’t want to go on a second date. She didn’t know, and she couldn’t care less because she couldn’t see herself with any of them.

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